Business Practices Subcommittee Update February 3, 2009
2 Free Template from 2 Meetings November 17, 2008 –Addressed formal comments submitted for R07020 Time and Inadvertent Management Recommendation. Comments are posted at –Developed input for WEQ 2009 Annual Plan December 1, 2008 –Met with the Balancing Authority Controls Standards Drafting team to address their concerns with R07020 Recommendation –Unable to fully resolve differences January 12, 2009 –Reviewed recommendation for consistency changes to WEQ- 011 (R08004) Place on hold pending discussions with WGQ BPS on Standards Request Enhanced Granularity for Public Utilities in Identifying Critical Operational Flow Orders (R08020) –Reviewed Mission/Scope Statement
3 Free Template from 3 Coordination Meetings NAESB BPS/NERC TLR Standards Drafting Team –December 10, 2008 Review comments on IRO and IRO-006-EAST.1 Discussed impact of NERC field test on WEQ-008 Appendix D –January Revised proposed standards IRO and IRO-006-EAST.1 Continued to discuss impact of NERC field test on WEQ-008 Appendix D WGQ Business Practices Subcommittee –January 30 Kickoff meeting to address standards request Enhanced Granularity for Public Utilities in Identifying Critical Operational Flow Orders, requires coordination with WGQ (R08020) Conference Call with NERC Staff –January 26 Discuss coordination on WEQ Annual Plan Items –1.d Time Error and Inadvertent (BAL-004 and BAL-006) Coordination with NERC –1.e DCS and AGC (BAL-002 and BAL-005) Coordination with NERC
4 Free Template from 4 BPS - Approach for 2009 Develop sub-teams/working groups –TLR Coordination –Balancing Authority Controls Coordination –Voltage and Reactive Coordination –Gas/Electric Coordination –FERC Order 717 Standards Development BPS Meeting February 9, 2009 –Looking for volunteers to lead and/or participate in sub-teams/working groups
5 Free Template from 5 Questions/Feedback