Don Kemper Comments on Patient Engagement March 5, 2010 Alliance for Health Reform Our health care system is perfectly designed….
1970 The greatest untapped resource in health care... is the consumer. © 2010 Healthwise, Incorporated
Healthwise Founded In 1975 Not-For-Profit Mission: To Help People Make Better Health Decisions © 2010 Healthwise, Incorporated
Healthwise 2010 Same Not-For-Profit Mission Hospital, Clinic, Health Plan, And Portal Web Sites Used 110 Million Times Last Year No Pharma, Little Government
1.Help people do as much for themselves as they can. 2.Help people ask for the care they need. 3.Help people say no to care that isnt right for them. Three Rules:
Information Therapy Prescribing: the right information to the right person at the right time As part of the process of care
What Is An Ix? Medication Prescription (Medical Therapy) Information Prescription (Information Therapy)
Information Therapy Changes the Role Of Patient Information: From: Information is about care To: Information is care Ix = Patient-Specific Education Resources
9 Demographics Clinical Data Clinical Setting Language Doctors Have No Time To: Search for the information Document the information. Leave the EHR application.
10 Context-Aware Knowledge Retrieval Standard Infobutton Standard
Infobutton Manager EHR i Patient Education Information HL7 Knowledge Request Patient, Problem, Context Data Knowledge Response InfoButton HL7 Context-Aware Knowledge Retrieval Standard PHR
Health Care Reform Three Patient-Centered Requests 1.Meaningful Use 2.Patient Decision Aids
1. Whats Meaningful to Me? Test? Drug? Surgery? Do I need this:
Patient-Specific Education Resources Your support is essential to patient engagement Please also protect: Patient Access to Medical Records Recommended by Health Policy Committee CMS: Critical Component of Patient Engagement but.. A paucity of knowledge resources integrated into EHRs There is no paucity: The information is there The technology is in place Its omission will disrupt clinic workflow
2. Patient Decision Aids Tools that involve people in decision making by: providing information about the options and outcomes. clarifying personal values.
Cochrane Review of Decision Aids 55 Trials/ 23 Treatments 15% knowledge scores 70% risk perception Decision Impact -24% Surgery OConnor et al., Cochrane Library, 2009
Revised Prostate Cancer Screening Guidelines: What Has--and Hasn'tChanged American Cancer Society 3/3/ Because of these complex issues, the American Cancer Society recommends that doctors more heavily involve patients in the decision of whether to get screened for prostate cancer.
Two Minutes More? Create a Virtual Health Home: One-stop for Ix information With caregiver access options
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