Pennsylvania The Keystone State Established in 1787 as the 2 nd state
The People of Pennsylvania The population of Pennsylvania is about 12 million. Two major cities in Pennsylvania, other than the capital, are Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. More than 75 percent of the population of Pennsylvania lived in urban areas.
Geography and Climate of Pennsylvania State Motto- “Virtue, Liberty, and Independence” Pennsylvania is 46,058 square miles. The capital city of Pennsylvania is Harrisburg. Pennsylvania’s summer temperatures are above 90°F (32°C), and winter temperatures are below 0°F (- 18°C) Pennsylvania gets quite a bit of rain, with precipitation averaging around 42 inches (107 cm) a year. As a result, flooding rivers can sometimes be a problem. The north gets the most snow, about 7 feet (2 m) every year.
Resources, Tourism, & Economy Natural resources in Pennsylvania are coal, natural gas, oil, and limestone. Philadelphia is the state’s manufacturing center, and industries produce items ranging from communications equipment to ice cream. More than one million people every year visit the Liberty Bell, with its famous foot-long-crack, in Philadelphia. Apples, grapes, and cherries are grown near Lake Erie, and peaches are grown in the southeast. Pennsylvania is one of the leading producers of mushrooms and milk products. All these products are traded easily because of the excellent waterways.
State Symbols of Pennsylvania State Bird-Ruffed Grouse State Tree-Eastern Hemlock State Animal-White-Tailed Deer State Flower-Mountain Laurel State Dog- Great Dane State Insect-Firefly