IST- 2001-320015 Humboldt-University, Berlin, Germany - Electronic Publishing Group - Computing Centre / University Library Susanne Dobratz, 28. March.


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Presentation transcript:

IST Humboldt-University, Berlin, Germany - Electronic Publishing Group - Computing Centre / University Library Susanne Dobratz, 28. March 2003, Berlin,3rd OAForum Workshop Breakout Session: Tools and Implementation Experiences Facilitator: Susanne Dobratz Reporter: Uwe Müller March, 28th, 2003 Humboldt-University, Berlin, Germany Electronic Publishing Group Computing Centre / University Library

IST Humboldt-University, Berlin, Germany - Electronic Publishing Group - Computing Centre / University Library Susanne Dobratz, 28. March 2003, Berlin,3rd OAForum Workshop This Session: Tools 1.Which are the tools are preferable to others? 2.Why? 3.Are there trade-off, thatis, some better for one thing but not so good for something else? 4.Which special features do they have? 5.Which problems occurred within the implementation process? Opportunity to show own systems

IST Humboldt-University, Berlin, Germany - Electronic Publishing Group - Computing Centre / University Library Susanne Dobratz, 28. March 2003, Berlin,3rd OAForum Workshop This Session: Reasons 1.As most projects the Open Archives Forum investigated with its technical validation questionnaire in 2002/2003 did this, it would be interesting to know 2.why projects create self-developed solutions, rather than building on existing tools? 3.Are the existing tools insufficient, or is OAI seen to be simple enough to be re-implemented? Discussion by Tim Brody

IST Humboldt-University, Berlin, Germany - Electronic Publishing Group - Computing Centre / University Library Susanne Dobratz, 28. March 2003, Berlin,3rd OAForum Workshop Overview Data Provider Subject Gateways Institutional Repositories Library OPACs Commercial Publishers and Vendors Media Archives / Museums

IST Humboldt-University, Berlin, Germany - Electronic Publishing Group - Computing Centre / University Library Susanne Dobratz, 28. March 2003, Berlin,3rd OAForum Workshop Worldwide (only OAI listed) Used Software -Selfdeveloped:USA 38 Europe 20 Canada 1 Australia - -eprints:USA 5 Europe 15 Canada - Australia 2 OAI-PMH Version -OAI 1.1:USA 27 Europe 22 Canada 2 Australia 1 -ETD-db:1 USA, 1 Canada -CDS: 1 Europe -IMDI: 1 Europe -arXiv: 1 USA -OAI 2.0:USA 18 Europe 15 Canada - Australia 1

IST Humboldt-University, Berlin, Germany - Electronic Publishing Group - Computing Centre / University Library Susanne Dobratz, 28. March 2003, Berlin,3rd OAForum Workshop OAI - Related Tools eprints - -Creator: Christopher Gutteridge, University of Southampton -Data Provider Software -Service Provider Software -run centralised, although archives are distributed. -Requirements ° UNIX, Linux ° Apache WWW server ° Perl programming language ° MySQL Database

IST Humboldt-University, Berlin, Germany - Electronic Publishing Group - Computing Centre / University Library Susanne Dobratz, 28. March 2003, Berlin,3rd OAForum Workshop OAI - Related Tools VT ETD-db - -Creator: Anthony Atkins, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University -Data Provider Software -provide a standard interface for web users to enter and manage metadata related to a collection of electronic theses and dissertations. -Requirements ° UNIX server platform ° Apache WWW server ° Perl programming language, ° MySQL Database

IST Humboldt-University, Berlin, Germany - Electronic Publishing Group - Computing Centre / University Library Susanne Dobratz, 28. March 2003, Berlin,3rd OAForum Workshop OAI - Related Tools DSpace - -Creator:MIT Libraries, Hewlett Packard Labs -Data Provider Software (release 4. Nov. 2002) - open source via -Requirements ° UNIX Systems, Webserver (Apache, Tomcat), Java Servlet engine, PostgreSQL, OAICat, Jena (RDF Tool by HP Labs)

IST Humboldt-University, Berlin, Germany - Electronic Publishing Group - Computing Centre / University Library Susanne Dobratz, 28. March 2003, Berlin,3rd OAForum Workshop Thank You! Please contribute to our Information Resource Database! -Information about your projects -Your implementation and usage experience Please participate at our Technical Validation Questionnaire!

IST Humboldt-University, Berlin, Germany - Electronic Publishing Group - Computing Centre / University Library Susanne Dobratz, 28. March 2003, Berlin,3rd OAForum Workshop Used Information Open Archives Initiative Open Archives Forum Signal-Hill OAI Site