DEALING WITH THE CONSULATES INBOUNDS: –. WHO ARE WE DEALING WITH? A. Consul General, Consul And Vice Consul (Consular officer are trained by their governments which gives them and exequatur that empowers them to issue visas. B. Like an administrative judge, they must apply the law and regulations thereto. C. Legislature creates law, Executive branch carries out our laws. Immigration Law differs from other US laws. Burden is upon applicant. Presumed to be guilty and must prove case to be innocent. Applicants must tell the truth rather than what they think consular officer wants to hear, or it can be very hard to get a visa. D. Diplomats commissioned by the President, take an oath of office. E. Foreign service job is to protect the citizens of the USA and to carry out U.S. law, as enacted by elected officials of the people. F. By law, consular functions of the Dept of State must pay for themselves; thus the cost of getting the visa and other consular services for U.S. citizens are covered by fees charged for services G. We practice reciprocity… and ….. Our laws are more liberal then the rest of the world. H. Think of a job issuing a couple hundred a day!! They know the burden of proof is on the applicant, they are advised of the percent of visas they issue that turn out to be to persons who do not abide by the conditions of the visa and do not return to their country of origin. It makes some officers very cautious!
2. HOW TO DEAL A. COMMUNICATE –1. SEND VISA INSTRUCTIONS TO YEO of inbound when sending the guarantees and DS2019 so they can help student in their own language –2. Send visa instructions to student –3. Send letter to the Consulate for student to take to consulate B. GOT TURNED DOWN????????? –1. GET IN TOUCH WITH A Friendly Rotarian SENATOR THEY HAVE A PERSON WHOSE JOB IS TO DEAL WITH CONSULATES OVERSEAS –2. WHY GET TURNED DOWN… LANGUAGE? Have student take the letter you sent to the consulate when they go –3. The Consuls question whether the student WILL COME HOME? Emphasize the amount of contact we have through host family, club counselor and YEO. EMPHASIZE THAT WE HAVE NEVER HAD A STUDENT NOT RETURN. Parents may need to prove stability and history… HOME DEED, BUSINESS RECORDS, CUSTOMERS, SUPPLIERS, NEIGHBORS, BANK ACCOUNT, PROOF, PROOF, PROOF. –4. The problem may be the age of student, look in the book. 30 percent of single male ages 16 to 24 do not return to Peru at the end of the time given them on their visas. Problem may be poor answers to questions… review how to apply for the visa information.
OUTBOUNDS: A. Deal with a travel agent who has contacts in consulates, sends packet of papers to be filled out, and can guide them through the process. Let them deal with it. B. Dont let them wait till last moment to get passport and then to get the visa… Holidays, plus short times when they work creates problems C. Parents may need to sign pledge to support at $ 600 month D. Student needs to get clearance statement from Police; may need to make a personal appearance, all kinds of stuff. It is easier to let an experienced travel agent deal with.