Ambassador Design Team meeting #6 March 25, 2015
What’s your 6 word story for today? For example: “ADT is hearing the public’s feedback.” Write yours! & Share it!?! #EdVoicesRI
Today’s Meeting Goals/Definition of Success NOT about products or production About learning and gaining perspective – From each other – About where we are going – About where are we now
Meeting Agenda TimeActivity 5:30-5:40Welcome/Goals 5:40-6:10Where Are We Going?! 6:10-6:30Getting on the Balcony 6:30-7:15Hearing Feedback from the Public 7:15-7:25Getting Organized 7:25-7:30Next Steps/Close Out
Meeting Values Curiosity Empathy Optimism
Process GPS Today – Beginning of cycle – Pausing to get sense of overall product thus far – Getting clarity on where we are going OUTPUT Prototype 3: Refined Values & Priorities plus Draft Key Outcomes
1/10 1/28 2/11 2/25 3/11 3/25 4/1 4/8 4/22 5/25/6 5/20 6/3 6/17 INPUTS & OUTPUTS Strategic Plan Development Cycle OUTPUT RI Survey Data Strategy Review Team Community Meeting & Strategy Review Team Specialized Groups & Strategy Review Team Strategy Review Team INPUT CYCLE 1 CYCLE 2 CYCLE 3CYCLE 4 Finalize Prototype 1: Values Prototype 2: Refined Values & Draft Priorities Prototype 3: Refined Values & Priorities plus Draft Key Outcomes Final Plan Prototype 4: Refined Values, Priorities & Outcomes plus Draft Strategies OUTPUT
Formative Assessment Check of Group’s Understanding
What will success of the plan look like?
Imagining Success – 1. As members of the ADT, with all of our contributions to this process, how will we know that our efforts have really delivered for kids? (2 min) – What specifically has changed in 5+ years?
Imagining Success 2. Share your “What’s changed?” with another (2 min) 3. Report out as pairs (5 min total)
UP ON THE BALCONY Getting Perspective Part II
Overview of major feedback TOTAL respondentsTotal SRTTotal general publicTotal RIDETotal ADT
So how might this inform the next set of revisions? Micro – done outside of this room Macro – done now
Should we cut some values & priorities? Still have time No magic minimum
Content of the Plan - Recommendations/Feedback: Combine the values Support and Responsibility Consider combining preparedness and excellence Personalization is both a priority and value - should it just be a priority? Should Early Childhood either be expanded to broader description or become a strategy? Professional Learning - is job-embedded too narrow? Think bigger to the broader educator pipeline? Consider school choice as a priority - Where does it fit? Priority/strategy? Is assessment statement too narrow? Should it be expanded to quality assurance?
Recommendations Based on Feedback Group 1: Where does it fit in the plan? - Recommendations/Feedback: Combine the values Support and Responsibility Consider combining preparedness and excellence Personalization is both a priority and value - should it just be a priority?
Content of the Plan - Recommendations/Feedback: Group 2. Should Early Childhood either be expanded to broader description or become a strategy? Group 3. Professional Learning - is job-embedded too narrow? Think bigger to the broader educator pipeline? Group 4. Consider school choice as a priority - Where does it fit? Priority/strategy? Group 5. Is assessment statement too narrow? Should it be expanded to quality assurance?
Group Roles Facilitator Scribe Spokesperson
Goal – Create revisions based on recommendations We will use gradients of agreement vote for each
Task – Respond to Recommendations 1.Divide into groups based on recommendation. 2.Silently read feedback (3 min) 3.Each member report out on how feedback supports/refutes recommendation and/or make new recommendation. (1 min/person) 4.Discuss & craft recommended changes (5 min) 5.Groups pair up & share (2 min) & receive feedback (2 min) 6.Back to group to edit (5 min) 7.Report out to larger group (1 min per group); clarifying Q&A (2 min) 8.Gradients of agreement on each recommendation.
Task – Respond to Recommendations 1.Divide into groups based on recommendation. 2.Silently read feedback (3 min) 3.Each member report out on how feedback supports/refutes recommendation and/or make new recommendation. (1 min/person) 4.Discuss & craft recommended changes (5 min)
Task – Respond to Recommendations 5.Groups pair up & share (2 min) & receive feedback (2 min) 6.Back to group to edit (5 min) 7.Report out to larger group (1 min per group); clarifying Q&A (2 min) 8.Gradients of agreement on each recommendation.
Gradients of Agreement Endorsement/E ndorsement with a Minor Point of Contention Agreement with Reservations Stand AsideFormal Disagreement, but Willing to Go with Majority 4321
Moving the Work Forward We Will: – Share out today’s decisions with entire ADT – Send out meeting poll and homework reading You Will: – Begin revision of Values and Priorities statements based on survey feedback
Off-Table Revision Roles RoleResponsibility Lead writerPushing work forward by taking first stab at revision Thought partner(s)Reads work of lead writer and make suggestions
Off-Table Revision Dates March 30 – Lead writer’s draft due April 4 - Thought partner’s feedback due April 6 - Writer’s final proposal due April 8 – Proposal distributed to full ADT for feedback
Sign Up for Off-Table Roles Pink sticky = Lead Editor Yellow sticky = Thought Partner
ADT Feedback- It’s Moving too fast (Proposal to Add Meeting) I pity the fool who isn’t at the meeting on April 1 st !