Annual Conference of ITA ACITA 2009 Layered Controlled Natural Languages Mott, D (IBM) & Hendler, J. (RPI) at ~~root the ~~noun 1 only ~~verbSing 1 the ~~noun 2 ==> if ( the ~~noun 1 X ~~verbSing 1 the thing Y ) then ( the thing Y is a ~~noun 2 ). the AS90 only fires the NATO_L15. if ( the AS90 X fires the thing Y ) then ( the thing Y is a NATO_L15 ). LOW HIGH Construct Layers of Controlled Natural Languages (CNLs) to achieve greater comprehension of text whilst still retaining an English-like form Define such higher level CNLs by linguistic transformations into lower level CNLs, based on linguistic constructs Similar to the definition of specialist logics based on more fundamental logics An evolutionary approach to the development of domain languages? elegance, succinctness, specialist verbose, awkward, generic LOW HIGH Implies a logical transformatio n + content and function words and grammatical constructs High level CNL linguistic fragment cannot be used for available for writing statements in rationale graph Transformed into low level basic Controlled English Converted into digitised, analysable, rationale in CPM Increases comprehensibility of rationale Higher Level Controlled Natural Language Linguistic transformation rule Integration to rationale visualisation Development of linguistic constructs Domain: there is no bridge located at the intent area River => => it is false that there is a bridge that has the intent area River as location Generic: the AS90 only fires the NATO_L15 => if ( the AS90 X fires the thing Y ) then ( the thing Y is a NATO_L15 Sequences of transforms, developed over time, can lead to layers of HCNLs Is this what happens in language evolution? the ~~noun 1 uses the ~~noun 2 at a rate of ~~name 3 the resource usage ~~id ru has the type ~~noun 1 as user type and has the type ~~noun 2 as resource type and has the constant ~~name 3 as rate if ( the resource request RR is required by the task T ) and ( the task T has the ~~noun 1 A as executor ) and ( the resource request RR requires the ~~noun 2 R ) and ( the task T has the value D as duration ) and ( the value Q = the value D * the value ~~name 3 ) then ( the resource request RR has the value Q as quantity ) Different logical approaches the AS90 uses the NATO_L15 at a rate of 2 if ( the resource request RR is required by the task T ) and ( the task T has the agent A as executor ) and ( the resource request RR requires the resource R ) and ( the resource usage RU has the value AT as user type and has the value RT as resource type and has the value V as rate ) and ( the agent A has the value AT as type ) and ( the resource R has the value RT as type ) and ( the task T has the value D as duration ) and ( the value Q = the value D * the value V ) then ( the resource request RR has the value Q as quantity ). if ( the resource request RR is required by the task T ) and ( the task T has the AS90 A as executor ) and ( the resource request RR requires the NATO_L15 R ) and ( the task T has the value D as duration ) and ( the value Q = the value D * the value 2 ) then ( the resource request RR has the value Q as quantity ) the resource usage ru27 has the value AS90 as user type and has the value NATO_L15 as resource type and has the constant 2 as rate GENERIC RULE SPECIFIC RULE A linguistic Axiom Schema