CITIZEN REVIEW PANEL Theresa Costello, MA Director National Resource Center for Child Protective Services.


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Presentation transcript:

CITIZEN REVIEW PANEL Theresa Costello, MA Director National Resource Center for Child Protective Services

AGENDA Overview Overview Resources and Reference Materials Resources and Reference Materials Training and Technical Assistance Training and Technical Assistance – –

CRP HISTORY 1996 CAPTA (Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act) Reauthorization 1996 CAPTA (Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act) Reauthorization –CAPTA established in 1974 –Established requirement for state plan detailing compliance with CAPTA requirements in order to receive CAPTA grant

CRP requirements 3 panels per state by July 1999 (some states only 1 required) 3 panels per state by July 1999 (some states only 1 required) Panels must review compliance of state and local CPS with respect to: Panels must review compliance of state and local CPS with respect to: –State CAPTA plan (CA/N reporting system, CPS system, confidentiality) –Other criteria panel considers important, which may include coordination with foster care and adoption programs and review of child fatalities and near fatalities.

CRP Requirements Membership: Membership: Composed of volunteer members: –Broadly representative of the community in which they are operating –Include individuals with expertise in the prevention and treatment of child abuse and neglect

CRP Requirements Meetings Meetings –Must meet at least quarterly Functions Functions –Examine policies, procedures and practices (2003 amendment) of State and local agencies and, where appropriate, specific cases –Evaluate extent to which State or local agency is meeting child protection responsibilities

CRP Requirements Confidentiality Confidentiality –Critical to maintain confidentiality of individual case information; cannot be made public unless authorized by State statute Public Outreach Public Outreach –Panels must get public comment to assess impact of procedures and practices on children and families in the community (2003 amendment)

CRP Requirements Report Report –Panel produces annual report Summary of the activities of the panel Summary of the activities of the panel Recommendations to improve the child protective services system at the State and local level Recommendations to improve the child protective services system at the State and local level Key product of panel; distribute widely (Governor, legislature) Key product of panel; distribute widely (Governor, legislature) –State agency response (2003 amendment) Within 6 months of receipt of report Within 6 months of receipt of report Describes whether or how the State will incorporate the recommendations of the panel Describes whether or how the State will incorporate the recommendations of the panel

CRP Requirements State Assistance State Assistance –Provide access to information on cases the panel desires to review –Provide the panel staff assistance for the performance of the duties of the panel

CPS System Panels can examine any of the following Panels can examine any of the following –Intake (screening) –Investigation (assessment) –Differential response –Safety decision making –Case findings (substantiated, not substantiated)

CPS System, continued –Family assessment (ongoing) –Case planning –Ongoing safety decision making –Case closure –Placement; placement stability –Service array and coordination –Staff training, qualifications, workload

Basic CAPTA requirements See CAPTA manual page See CAPTA manual page –Reporting procedures for CA/N –Policies and procedures for substance exposed newborns –Plan of safe care for substance exposed newborns –Procedures for screening, risk and safety assessment –Triage procedures for children not at risk of imminent harm –Procedures to assure safety of all kids in a home

CAPTA requirements continued See CAPTA manual pgs See CAPTA manual pgs –Immunity for good faith reporting –Confidentiality of records –Provisions for public disclosure –Public disclosure in fatality and near fatality –Cooperation of law enforcement, courts and state CPS agencies

CAPTA requirements, continued See CAPTA manual pgs See CAPTA manual pgs –Expungement of records available to public –Appointment of guardian ad litem –Establishment of citizen review panels –Provisions for expedited TPR –Provisions not requiring reunification in certain cases –TPR for surviving children

CAPTA requirements, continued See CAPTA manual pgs See CAPTA manual pgs –Parental notification at first contact –Training for those with legal responsibilities –Procedures to improve training, retention and supervision of caseworkers –Procedures for referral of children under 3 to IDEA Part C –Criminal background checks for prospective adoptive, foster, relative and non-relatives living in the home

How do panels review CPS policies, practices and procedures? Case reviews Case reviews Statewide data Statewide data Policy review Policy review Procedure review Procedure review Surveys Surveys Quality Assurance reviews Quality Assurance reviews Community forums Community forums Focus groups or interviews Focus groups or interviews

Identified Technical Assistance and Training needs of CRPs NRCCPS Survey of State CRP coordinators NRCCPS Survey of State CRP coordinators –Scope of work (see page 6) –Annual report (page 8) –Retention of CRP members (page 5) –Orientation and training of CRP members (page 4) –Recruitment of members (page 2)

Big Picture National effectiveness study in 2006 National effectiveness study in 2006 –Blake Jones National Citizens Review Panel Virtual Community National Citizens Review Panel Virtual Fifth annual Citizens Review Panel Conference May 25-26, 2006 Louisville, Kentucky Fifth annual Citizens Review Panel Conference May 25-26, 2006 Louisville, Kentucky