We know that all things
We know that all things work together for our good For good to those who love the Lord For God has called us to be just like His Son To live and walk according to His word We Know that All Things: Verse 1
We are more than conquerors Through Christ, Through Christ We Know that All Things: Chorus
I am persuaded that neither death nor life Nor angels, principalities, nor powers Nor things that are now, nor things that are to come Can separate us from the love of Christ We Know that All Things: Verse 2
We are more than conquerors Through Christ, Through Christ We Know that All Things: Chorus
If God is for us, who against us can prevail No one can bring a chargeagainst His chosen ones And there will be no separation from our Lord He has justified us through His precious blood We Know that All Things: Verse 3
We are more than conquerors Through Christ, Through Christ We Know that All Things: Chorus
We know that all things