LAG was established in 2004 LAG was established in 2004 „Krajina srdce“ means „landscape of our hearts“ „Krajina srdce“ means „landscape of our hearts“ inhabitants inhabitants 598 km² 598 km² LAG area is very rural and sparsely populated (density - only 32 inhabit/km², the average in CZ is 140 inhabit/km²) LAG area is very rural and sparsely populated (density - only 32 inhabit/km², the average in CZ is 140 inhabit/km²) LAG Krajina srdce
Czech Republic LAG is situated in heart of the Czech Republic there is 112 LAGs supported by EU in Czech Republic
Area of LAG Krajina srdce LAG area consits of 39 municipalities (27 villages and 2 towns with no more than 2800 inhabitants) → rural area
LAG members 13 NGOs 13 NGOs 13 entrepreneurs 13 entrepreneurs 8 individuals 8 individuals 2 basic schools 2 basic schools 4 municipalities 4 municipalities 2 microregions 2 microregions 21 women 21 women 20 men 20 men 5 youngsters 5 youngsters total number of LAG members is 41: total number of LAG members is 41: … some of us
„We have NO space for us and for our friends!!!“ „We have to commute for entertainment and education!!!“ „We have to live in boarding houses thanks to BAD transport!!!“ „We need to make money!“ „WHAT DO YOU MISS HERE?“ LEADER approach LAG area analysis: questionnaire analysis of young people from the LAG area, Public inquiry of LAG area visitors, local entrepreneurs exploration, municipalities and associations exploration (projects databaze) „I like the country!“
„Repair the roads!!!“ „The basic services are missing!“ „Young people are leaving!!!“ „Drinking water of poor quality!“ „WHAT´S WRONG HERE?“ LEADER approach LAG area analysis: Searching for the local problems through LAG inhabitants → TOTAL NUMBER OF PEOPLE INVOLVED INTO THE STRATEGY PLANNING: 384
the vision of leader strategy is to stop migration of population to cities the vision of leader strategy is to stop migration of population to cities → the aim groups are: youth, women, inhabitants in small villages → the aim groups are: youth, women, inhabitants in small villages the LEADER strategy of LAG Krajina srdce was evaluated in 2008 as the best in the Czech Republic the LEADER strategy of LAG Krajina srdce was evaluated in 2008 as the best in the Czech Republic LEADER approach
LAG activities for youth LAG´s own grant programme for young people and NGOs supporting realization of „soft projects“ LAG´s own grant programme for young people and NGOs supporting realization of „soft projects“ (e.g.: concerts, „new traditional“ festivals, competitions, theathre performances etc.) (e.g.: concerts, „new traditional“ festivals, competitions, theathre performances etc.) - where we take the money for our grant programme? - where we take the money for our grant programme? → successful project realizators from LAG area support this programme by donations → successful project realizators from LAG area support this programme by donations LAG established a „language school“ for teaching children, youngsters, women and seniors (e.g.: today we teach English, German, Spanish) LAG established a „language school“ for teaching children, youngsters, women and seniors (e.g.: today we teach English, German, Spanish)
LAG activities for youth Youth exchanges abroad – supported by National agencies in each EU country (Youth in Action programme) Youth exchanges abroad – supported by National agencies in each EU country (Youth in Action programme) - We have been to Scotland, Finland, Poland - We have been to Scotland, Finland, Poland Organizing international youth exchanges in LAG area, Czech Republic Organizing international youth exchanges in LAG area, Czech Republic Voluntary-studying stages in Finland, in the area of our LAG partner Maaseutukehitys ry (especially for youngsters preparing for university studies) Voluntary-studying stages in Finland, in the area of our LAG partner Maaseutukehitys ry (especially for youngsters preparing for university studies)
Youth exchange - Scotland Pathway project = building of nature trails nearby the Loch Lommond lake
Youth exchange – Scotland length of exchange – 1 month year – 2006 participating countries – Scotland, Finland, Czech Republic
Youth exchange – Czech Republic project was called „Medieval Selmberk Castle“ – aimed at traditions, crafts, history
Youth exchange – Czech Republic length of exchange – 10 days year – 2007 participating countries – Greece, Italy, Finland, Czech Republic
Youth exchange - Finland Codename CORPI project = aimed at nature, rural development and farming
Youth exchange – Finland Length of exchange: 10 days Participating countries: Finland, Poland, Scotland, Czech Republic year: 2008
Youth exchange - Poland Exchange called „Gross National Happiness“ participating countries: Czech Republic, France, Poland, Lithuania lenght – 7 days year
LAG activities for youth in 2010… Youth exchange in France (FR, ČR, LT, PL) - Ecologically aimed project - term: age of participants: 17 – 20 years - needs: English knowledge on communication level, interest in nature, ecological attitude Medieval Selmberk Castle II in CZ (ČR, IT, GR, FIN) - crafts courses, animal feeding and care - adrenaline medieval games - term: age of participants: years - needs: English knowledge on communication level, interest in crafts and history, playfulness
…if you are interested in cooperation with us, don´t hesitate to contact us: Monika Hienlová Občanské sdružení MAS Krajina srdce Žižkovo náměstí Mladá Vožice Tel: