North American Numbering Council Billing & Collection Working Group (B&C WG) February 13, 2007 Co-Chairs: Rosemary Emmer, Sprint Nextel Tim Decker, Verizon
February 13, 2007B&C WG2 Mission Statement / Area of Responsibility The NANCs Billing and Collection Agent Oversight Working Group (B&C WG) is responsible for overseeing the performance of the functional requirements provided by the NANP Billing and Collection Agent (B&C Agent). The B&C WG will investigate/review the performance of the B&C Agent and submit reports at each NANC meeting to fully inform NANC of the B&C Agents performance with respect to the functional requirements. At the request of the FCC and/or NANC, the B&C WG will identify and determine the financial impact, feasibility and/or the appropriateness of initiatives/activities that may need to be included in the budget or use these Funds.
February 13, 2007B&C WG3 Current Activities 2005/2006 Welch & Co. Performance Review Budget for period July 2006 – June 2007 Contribution Factor for period July 2006 – June 2007
February 13, 2007B&C WG4 2005/2006 Welch & Co. Performance Review Developed a rating schematic similar to the NOWG for consistency. Developed the evaluation consistent with the monthly deliverable matrix. Scheduled conference calls to gain industry consensus on rating and evaluation.
February 13, 2007B&C WG5 Budget for period July 2006 – June 2007 Working with the proposed budget created by Welch & Co. to arrive at a reasonable Budget and Fund Size in order to ensure sufficient funds are available for anticipated disbursements. The current proposed total projected cost for the NANP fund is $7,430,374, with a $1M contingency provision built in.
February 13, 2007B&C WG6 Proposed Contribution Factor for period July 2006 – June 2007 The B&C WG is responsible for the review and ultimately the approval process for the formula and calculation of the contribution factor. Option 1 is designed to exhaust the entire anticipated fund surplus. (June 30, 2007 of $1,576,965) The US carriers would be required to fund $5,768,538 with a funding factor of This option leaves only the $1,000,000 in the surplus account which is the contingency provision. Option 2 is designed to arrive at a contribution factor of exactly as projected two years ago. This scenario reduces the surplus by $1,481,955 and the total contribution by the US carriers would be $5,863,549. There would be $95,010 excess surplus that could be carried forward to subsidize contributions in the future. Option 3 is calculated not to use any of the surplus of $1,576,965. The surplus could be used in future years. The projected costs would be fully funded by contributions during the current year. This would result in a contribution factor of
February 13, 2007B&C WG7 B&C WG Membership AT&T Bell South Bell Canada Cox CTIA Sprint Nextel Qwest Verizon
February 13, 2007B&C WG8 Future Meetings Contact the Co-Chairs for complete meeting or conference call details or (Other meetings for the B&C WG may be scheduled as needed beyond what has been identified above) B&C WG meeting notes and documents are posted at Meeting DateProposed Agenda Tuesday, March 6 11:00am Eastern 1hr Contribution Factor, February Deliverable, Performance Review Tuesday, March 20 11:00am Eastern 1hr Contribution Factor, Performance Review Tuesday, March 27 11:00am Eastern 1hr Contribution Factor, Performance Review Tuesday, April 10 11:00am Eastern 1hr Finalize Contribution Factor, NANC Report, March Deliverable, Discuss Filings and CF timeline Tuesday, April 24 11:00am Eastern 1hr Placeholder for call to discuss Contribution Factor and associated timeline