NANC Report Numbering Oversight Working Group (NOWG) September 14, 2004 Co-Chairs: Karen Mulberry, MCI Jim Castagna, Verizon
09/14/2004NOWG NANC Report2 Contents Co-Chairs PA Change Order Recommendation NANPA Change Order Recommendation Status New PA Technical Requirements Status NANPA and PA 2004 Performance Surveys 2004 Meeting Schedule Attachments - Tracking Documents -PA/NANPA Change Order Recommendations -PA Change Order Tracking Summary -NANPA Change Order Tracking Summary
09/14/2004NOWG NANC Report3 NOWG Co-Chairs Reviewed the NANC Operating Principles Two new Co-Chairs selected by the WG Request NANC confirmation –Rosemary Emmer, Nextel –Karen Riepenkroger, Sprint New Co-Chair terms will begin upon confirmation Request NANC allow the NOWG in the future to maintain up to three Co-Chairs
09/14/2004NOWG NANC Report4 New NOWG Co-Chair Contact Information Rosemary Emmer – –Phone: Karen Riepenkroger – –Phone:
09/14/2004NOWG NANC Report5 PA Change Order Recommendation Change Order # 24 dated July 2, 2004 LNPA WG PIM #24 and INC CO/NXX Issue #364 – Modification to Procedures for Code Holder/LERG Assignee Exit This proposal addresses disruptions associated with PA block assignments caused when either (1) TN assignments are not identified by the donating/returning SP at time of block donation/return or (2) the donating/returning SP continues to assign TNs associated with a previously donated/returned block The NOWG recommends that this change order not be approved as written and that the PA engage in some additional steps to improve the process: –PA provide an updated proposal with cost details for Change Order #24 –Concurrent with one-time scrub, the PA prepare and propose to the INC that a self- certification statement be added to the Appendix 2 donation form SP would certify that (1) information provided has met certain designated stipulations and (2) donating SP properly marked/checked items on the form prior to its submission –PA work with INC to review the TBPAG directions for donating SPs to clarify verbiage and responsibilities for both SPs and the PA –PA seek the appropriate support and assistance from the FCC and/or state commissions in enforcing SP participation in the one-time reconciliation process in order for the PA to complete the one-time scrub NOWG wishes to thank the PA for its assistance in reviewing this Change Order
09/14/2004NOWG NANC Report6 NANPA Change Order Recommendation NANPA Change Order # 1 submitted July 16, 2004 Removal of Codes from NPAC When There Are Ported Numbers – INC Issue 434 Proposes NANPA scope of work changes for the removal of TNs from the NPAC for those NXXs that have previously been disconnected but can not be assigned NOWG reviewed the Change Order and recommended approval with a six month review for effectiveness Recommendation sent to the NANC/FCC on August 6, 2004
09/14/2004NOWG NANC Report7 Status New PA Technical Requirements Reviewing PA Technical Requirements for suggested changes Requested input from INC Identified sections for modification and upgrade Recommendation to the NANC/FCC for consideration at the January 19, 2005 meeting
09/14/2004NOWG NANC Report8 Status NANPA and PA 2004 Performance Surveys Request input and suggestions from NANC members Reviewing 2003 NANPA/PA surveys for modifications and question streamlining Retain current rating table for consistency Final surveys and schedule to be presented at November 9 th NANC meeting
09/14/2004NOWG NANC Report9 NOWG 2004 Meeting Schedule Contact either of the Co-Chairs for complete meeting or conference call details or (Other meetings for the NOWG may be scheduled as needed beyond what has been identified in this list) NOWG meeting notes and documents are posted at