pANI IMG Report to NANC November 30, 2006 pANI IMG Co-Chairs Don Gray – Martin Hakimdin Natalie McNamer – Bill Shaughnessy
November 30, 2006NANC2 Recommandations for Permanent pANI Administration: –The pANI IMG has completed its work identifying the policy framework and guiding principles associated with a Permanent pANI Administrator –The November 30, 2006 report augments the interim guidelines sent to Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions Industry Numbering Committee (ATIS INC) on September 5, 2005 –The pANI IMG recommends that NANC approve and forward the policy framework, guiding principles, and recommendations in the November 30, 2006 report titled NANC Recommandations for Permanent pANI Administration to the FCC pANI IMG Status
November 30, 2005NANC3 Highlights of pANI IMG Policy Recommendations All pANI NXX codes should be shared among Eligible Users on a technology neutral basis. An Eligible User is an entity: –That demonstrates that it is permitted under applicable law to access pANI resources in the area for which the pANI resources are sought, AND –Has been assigned a valid Operating Company Number (OCN) by the National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc. (NECA); AND –Has been assigned a valid company identification number by NENA; AND –Self-certifies that it has the technical and functional capability to route traffic or provide routing instructions to a public service answering point (PSAP)
November 30, 2006NANC4 Permanent pANI Administrator should be responsible for: The assignment of all NPA-211 / NPA-511 resources on a go forward basis Project Managing the transition from NPA-211 / NPA-511 resources from voluntary administrators to the Permanent pANI Administrator Support the transition from dialable resources currently being used as pANIs to NPA-211 / NPA-511 resources Highlights of pANI IMG Policy Recommendations continued
November 30, 2006NANC5 Permanent pANI Administrator should be responsible for developing resource management tools for correlating pANI consumption, deployment, and forecasting Recipients of pANIs are responsible for providing forecasts and documenting utilization Unused pANIs should be returned or reclaimed NANPA is responsible for aggregating input from Permanent pANI Administrator for NAP and NANPA exhaust forecasting Highlights of pANI IMG Policy Recommendations continued
November 30, 2006NANC6 Highlights of pANI IMG Guiding Principles General Principles that apply to pANI assignment and administration –pANIs are used for routing of emergency calls and all participants are encouraged to follow a first, do no harm principle –pANIs are a shared numbering resource requiring assignment and management by a third party –pANIs are non-dialble and will utilize the 10 digit NPA-N11- XXXX NANP format –The administration and assignment of pANIs will comply with all mandated and required number resource assignment and optimization requirements –The cost for pANI Administration shall be borne by all eligible users on a competitively neutral basis
pANI IMG Recommendations NANC approve the guidelines, principles, and recommendations offered and forward the November 30, 2006 document to the FCC and ATIS INC ATIS INC, to the best of its ability, should incorporate the information contained in the November 30, 2006 document and the information contained in the Interim Guidelines of September 5, 2005 into permanent guidelines ATIS INC should incorporate any lessons learned by the Interim RNA and/or changes to existing rules and regulations into the permanent guidelines pANI IMG will remain in place to advise as necessary until the ATIS INC pANI Guidelines go to Final Closure and are posted to the web for use November 30, 2006NANC7
November 30, 2006NANC8 pANI IMG The pANI IMG represented a broad cross section of the industry and the co-chairs would like to thank all of the participants for their dedicated work, attention to detail, and cooperation in developing the guidelines, principles, and recommendations contained in the report.