Abbreviated Dialing for One Call Notification Issue Management Group Report July 15, 2003
Background The Pipeline Safety Improvement Act (Public Law ) provides for the establishment of a 3- digit nationwide toll-free telephone number system to be used by State one-call notification systems. Based on discussions at the January 22, 2003 meeting of the NANC the Abbreviated Dialing for One Call Notification IMG was formed to examine issues related to implementation of this mandate
Assumptions The 3 digit number selected will translate into existing One Call numbers. On wireline originated calls, the Originating NPA/NXX will determine the One Call number into which the 3 digit code will be translated into a routable 10 digit number. On wireless originations, calls will be routed to a One Call number based on the location of the originating cell site or Mobile Switching Center. Implementation will be national in scope and uniformity. The dialing sequence for all Service Providers will be the same.
Consideration of Alternatives The IMG identified three possibilities: N11, geographic NPA (i.e., 344), or vertical service like code (e.g. #344, *344, 344#) Rejected alternatives with * or # based on –Wireline implementation difficulties –Unsuitability for rotary telephones Recommend N11 over 344 because –Follows established abbreviated dialing convention –Minimizes impact on customer dialing –Consumes fewer numbering resources National Telecom Damage Prevention Council may still prefer 344 IMG still evaluating available N11 codes –811 least used but NENA has concerns over usage for 911 testing and misdialing –Others, 611?, 411?
Next Steps IMG targeting report for September NANC discussion Does FCC need report sooner, and if so, can NANC schedule an interim conference call?