NANC Future of Numbering (FoN) Working Group February 13, 2007 Co-Chairs James Castagna, Verizon Don Gray, Nebraska PSC
FoN February 2007 NANC Report 2 Report Summary Process for Selecting & Organizing Areas of Study Existing Project Tracking Matrix New Tracking Matrix - AIM Form Work Items – Progress/Status Summary Meeting Schedule
Process For Organizing Areas of Study Process Goals Facilitate participant input and ideas from the public in a fair and open way. Identify and track and prioritizing commitment of FoN resources. Ensure proposals are properly framed & addressed effectively, including NANC requests. Remain within FoNs Mission & Scope but provide a vehicle for unanticipated projects.
FoN February 2007 NANC Report 4 Process For Organizing Areas of Study Activity/Project Identification Form (AID) –Actual Form with Fields prepared by the Submitter for review by the FoN. AID Process Steps –Describes steps beginning with AID Form Submission to Review and Disposition. Activity/Project Identification Matrix (AIM) –Tracks AID Form Submissions, Status and Disposition
Activity Identification & Description (AID) Form –Submission Data: Date Submitted; Submitted by; Name/TN; Affiliation, –Activity/Project Name A short title for referencing this activity/project –Activity/Project Description Be specific, define the area of focus/discussion. –Activity/Project Relevance To FoN M&S Substantiate importance warranting attention and priority. –Suggested Plan Of Action/Activities Steps and the major technical, consumer or policy issues. –Other Places This Has Been Presented or Discussed –Tracking Data: Date Presented to FoN; Date Adopted/Referred; FoN Tracking No. (FTN)
AID Steps 1.Complete all of the fields on the AID Form and submit it via simultaneously to ALL FoN co-chair(s). If the AID Form is received at least seven calendar days prior to the next meeting, it will be added to the next meetings agenda. 2.The AID Form will be reviewed by the FoN co-chair(s) and processed as long as the form is complete. If during co-chair review or during the FoNs review it is found that the AID Form is incomplete or missing data, the submitter(s) will be asked to resubmit the AID Form, effectively restarting the process. 3.AID Forms will be placed on the agenda and reviewed on a first come first serve basis. At least one of the submitters must be present to discuss the AID Form. The submitter(s) will present and answer questions during review. Disposition will be made via FoN consensus at a subsequent meeting to allow participants time for consideration. 4.AID Forms will be posted, discussed and considered by the FoN unless the Form is found to be incomplete or is withdrawn by the submitters. All AID Form submissions will be reported to the NANC Chair and identified on the Tracking Matrix, even if withdrawn prior to disposition.
AID Steps (continued) 5.After initial presentation, each AID submission will remain on the FoN agenda until consensus is reached to either accept or reject. If the AID Form is rejected, or if an agreement is not reached to accept, the submitter(s) may submit new information for review at a future meeting by re-submitting the AID Form (with new information), noting both the original and the new submission date with the word Reconsider written next to the new date. 6.If an AID Form activity/project is accepted, the submitter(s) do not need to be present for the FoN to work the activity/project since it then becomes an Activity/Project of the FoN. 7.Upon disposition, all AID Forms will be assigned a Tracking Number which will then be entered on the Tracking Matrix maintained by the Co- chairs. 8.Correspondence by the FoN to other NANC WGs, IMGs or committees will include a memo from the co-chairs with attachments, e.g., AID form. Correspondence outside of the NANC needs to be vetted with the NANC co-chair in advance of distribution.
FoN February 2007 NANC Report 8 Existing Project Tracking Matrix
Activity/Project Identification Matrix (AIM) FTNDateTitleStatusNext Step/Date 001X/07New & Future Services Brief - Draft Outline 1/07- Adopt Outline - Establish AID - Solicit Contribs. 002X/07International Use of NANP Resources - Introduced 1/07- Frame work items - Establish AID - Solicit Contribs. 003X/07Telematics- Previously combined with FoN Report. - Solicit AID contribution 00X
FoN February 2007 NANC Report 10 Work Items – Progress/Status Status of New & Future Services Findings Brief –Preliminary outline identified. –Next step is to establish AID Form (process!) and solicit contributions of text on topics. –Expect to whittle down outline to ensure aspects/areas warranting NANC attention/awareness are addressed.
Work Items – Progress/Status International Use of NANP Resources –Correspondence to define/frame issue completed. –Preliminary discussion/review completed. –Co-chairs to prepare AID Form for FoN Review. –Discussion to encompass use of NANP resources in non-NANP countries.
FoN February 2007 NANC Report 12 Summary NANC Action Requested Endorse the AID Approach FoN WG Implement AID Process. Continue work on New And Future Services Findings Brief. Evaluate International Use of NANP Resources
FoN February 2007 NANC Report 13 Meeting Schedule DATEBRIDGE March 5, 2–4 pm et pin (Sprint Nextel) March 28, 2–4 pm etTBD April 18 (tentative)TBD