Abbreviated Dialing for One Call Notification IMG
The Law H.R 3609 SEC. 17. NATIONWIDE TOLL-FREE NUMBER SYSTEM. Within 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Transportation shall, in conjunction with the Federal Communications Commission, facility operators, excavators, and one-call notification system operators, provide for the establishment of a 3-digit nationwide toll-free telephone number system to be used by State one-call notification systems.
The IMG AT&T SBC Verizon WorldCom
Assumptions The 3 digit number selected will translate into existing One Call numbers. Implementation will be national in scope and uniformity. Implementation need not start until official governmental timelines are provided. The Originating NPA/NXX will determine the One Call number into which the 3 digit code will be translated. Wireline implementation will not use a # or *.
Regulatory Status The FCC and DOT are in discussion, parties involved not identified at this time. The FCC will be issuing a NPRM on this topic/legislation in the future, don't know how near that is. The NANC will be requested to advise on particular areas, to be determined.
Questions 1.The timeframe for implementation is not clear. Does the one year requirement stated in the PL apply to FCC/DOT action or actual deployment by carriers? 2.Must the dialing sequence for Wireline Service Providers be identical to that of Wireless Service Providers? 3.If keys # or * are part of the dialing sequence, will they count towards the three digit limit? 4.What is the manner in which states will purchase this service from carriers?
Implementation Initial analysis suggested the following alternatives might be the most quickly implementable: 1.Intra-Carrier use of 811 currently associated with Business Office applications is de minimis. This N11 code could be assigned as the mandated three digit nationwide dialing sequence. 2.The three digit nationwide dialing sequence could be provided via an NPA from the Easily Recognizable Code (ERC) partition within the NANP. One such available code is 344.