North American Numbering Council (NANC) Billing & Collection Working Group (B&C WG) February 21, 2013 Co-Chairs: Tim Decker, Verizon Rosemary Emmer, Sprint Nextel
Mission Statement / Area of Responsibility The Billing and Collection Agent Oversight Working Group (B&C WG) was formed by and reports to the North American Numbering Council (NANC) and is responsible for overseeing the performance of the functional requirements provided by the North American Numbering Plan Billing and Collection Agent (B&C Agent). The B&C WG will investigate/review the performance of the B&C Agent and submit reports at each NANC meeting to fully inform NANC of the B&C Agents performance with respect to the functional requirements. The B&C WG will identify and determine the financial impact, feasibility and/or the appropriateness of initiatives/activities that may need to be included in the budget. 2February 21, 2013
Current Activities Monthly Billing and Collections Oversight Monthly Evaluation of Deliverables Year end government audit has been completed Developing a contingency plan to have on file for future reference in the event an extenuating circumstance were to arise where expenditures may exceed proposed budget. Planning the budget and contribution factor for the upcoming fiscal year. 3February 21, 2013
US Carrier Contribution Factor The US carriers are required to contribute $6,005,354 to the Fund by direct contributions and by reduction in the fund surplus. The International Participants (Canada and Caribbean countries) contribute the remaining $128,592 of the projected costs. The options set out below assume the use of the entire anticipated surplus at June 30, 2013 of $453,782 leaving $5,551,572 to be funded by US carriers. This would leave only the $1,000,000 in the surplus account which represents the contingency provision. There are three scenarios for consideration set out below which are based on three different estimates of industry revenue. The first scenario is based on a revenue base of $198B. This option would result in a contribution factor of The second scenario is based on a revenue base of $196B. This option would result in a contribution factor of The third scenario is based on a revenue base of $194B. This option would result in a contribution factor of February 21, 20134
US Carrier Contribution Factor (cont) Revenue Contribution Base The revenue estimates were determined by first reviewing the actual 2011 US carrier revenues reported on the April 1, 2012 Form 499A. Given the economic climate this revenue figure was adjusted downwards based on prior years. Three different revenue estimates are provided. This allows analysis of how the contribution factor is affected given various possible revenue scenarios. This figure will be reviewed at the end of April 2013 when preliminary revenue figures from the 2013 Form 499A will be available. The preliminary revenue figures will be analyzed to finalize the revenue assumption and consequently finalize the contribution factor. February 21, 20135
History of NANP Fund Size and Contribution Factor ** includes contingency allowance # Final Factor reflects "Revised" factor if different from Original Source: Factors and amounts compiled by Welch LLP 6February 21, 2013 March 2000 to June 2001 (Revised) July 2001 to June 2001 July 2002 to June 2003 July 2003 to June 2004 July 2004 to June 2005 July 2005 to June 2006 July 2006 to June 2007 July 2007 to June 2008 July 2008 to June 2009 July 2009 to June 2010 July 2010 to June 2011 July 2011 to June 2012 July 2012 to June 2013 Contribution Factor Final/Revised Factor Original Factor Per Budget Total Budgeted Expenditures ** $12,630,500$14,783,140$13,737,340$9,821,530$7,026,013$6,903,158$6,922,608$6,605,140$5,508,944$5,348,089$5,497,882$5,857,267$5,437,045 International Contribution $211,563$166,620$173,694$114,205$80,468$84,050$83,238$84,821$82,384$85,415$96,439$94,944$94,923 US Contributions $12,418,937$9,780,878$10,313,646$4,902,967$4,920,418$1,127,108$4,876,926$4,530,185 $2,487,497$4,034,718$4,620,882$4,389,392 Surplus Used NA$4,835,643$3,250,000$4,804,358$2,025,127$5,692,000$1,966,444$1,990,084$1,531,477$2,775,177$1,366,725$1,141,441$952,730 Surplus Kept NA $4,434,187$4,000,000$4,248, $1,198,
B&C WG Membership AT&T Cox Sprint Nextel CenturyLink Verizon T-Mobile 7February 21, 2013
Future Meetings/Contact Information Contact the Co-Chairs for complete meeting or conference call details or B&C WG meeting notes and documents are posted at: Tuesday, March 26 Tuesday, April 30 Tuesday, May 21 Tuesday, June 25 8February 21, 2013