Northwest Association Of Networked Ocean Observing Systems (NANOOS)


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Presentation transcript:

Northwest Association Of Networked Ocean Observing Systems (NANOOS)

What is NANOOS? A regional organization through which –to integrate and sustain existing ocean observing capability, –to strategize for new operational observing systems, and –to provide easy access to data, data products, model forecasts, etc. about regional marine conditions –via a user-driven regional coastal ocean observing system ocean includes inland marine waters (head of tide to EEZ) user-driven means users define priorities, delivery A system designed to produce and disseminate ocean observations and related products deemed necessary to the users, in a common manner and according to sound scientific practice

Fundamental Issue: We are limited and poorly coordinated with respect to environmental data supporting fundamental societal needs R. Spinrad, NOAA

Build a system to deliver: Integrated and Sustained Ocean Observations Ocean.US was created by the National Oceanographic Partnership Program to coordinate the development of an operational, integrated, and sustained ocean observing system (IOOS) to routinely, reliably, and continuously provide data and information required to address seven societal goals: Detect and forecast oceanic components of climate variability Facilitate safe and efficient marine operations Ensure national security Manage resources for sustainable use Preserve and restoring healthy marine ecosystems Mitigate natural hazards Ensure public health 1 System, 7 Goals How do we address this issue?

GCOOS CeNCOOS NANOOS AOOS PacIOOS SECOORA MACOORA SCCOOS NERA CaRA Coastal Component of IOOS GLOS National Backbone Federal Agencies Responsible EEZ & Great Lakes Core variables required by RAs & Fed Agencies Network of sentinel & reference stations Data Standards/Exchange Protocols Regional Coastal Ocean Observing Systems Regional Associations Responsible Involve private & public sectors Inform Federal Agencies of user needs Enhance the backbone based on user needs Incorporate sub–regional systems T. Malone, Ocean.US

The Political Environment Commission on Ocean Policy Report Executive Order Ocean Action Plan Pending Legislation Senate (S. 361) House (H.R. 1489, 1584) T. Malone, Ocean.US

Northwest Association of Networked Ocean Observing Systems The Regional Association for the Pacific NW of the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS)

ID of PNW User Groups From NOAA/NANOOS analysis: Marine shipping and oil transport/spill remediation Search and rescue Shellfish fishery and aquaculture Marine recreation Natural resource/environmental management National and homeland security Finfish aquaculture Research institutions Education Commercial groundfishing Crab fishery

Building NANOOS: A brief history Late 2003: received 1 st year planning grant from NOAA Coastal Services Center ($100K) Pacific Northwest Regional Ocean Observing System Workshop I: October 2003, Portland State University, Portland, OR –Signed a Charter establishing NANOOS and appointed a Steering Committee Two pilot proposals submitted to NOAA CSC; one funded regarding estuaries and coasts NANOOS Governance Workshop II: 5-7 May 2004, Oregon H&S Univ., Beaverton, OR –Gained consensus on Governance Structure and Approach, held a User Needs Forum, and gained consensus response on prioritization for federal and regional activity Late 2004: received 2 nd year developmental grant from NOAA; hired Coordinator NANOOS System Design Workshop III: 28 Feb-1 Mar 2005, NOAA-PMEL, Seattle, WA –Gained input on priority user needs and on system design responsive to user needs Mid 2005: received 3 rd year developmental grant from NOAA for FY ($400K, 3-year) –DMAC, Web, Outreach/Education, Business Plan NANOOS Industry Day: 15 August 2005, Boeing Field, Seattle, WA –Gained input on needs, opportunities, and issues from various Industry perspectives Late 2005: NANOOS MOA activated

Building NANOOS: Members to date… 1.Ocean Inquiry Project 2.Oregon Dept of Land Conservation & Development 3.Surfrider Foundation 4.The Boeing Company 5.Oregon State University 6.Puget Sound Action Team 7.University of Washington 8.WET Labs, Inc. 9.Oregon Health and Science University 10.Quileute Indian Tribe 11.Oregon Dept of Geology and Mineral Industries 12.Humboldt University 13.Marine Exchange of Puget Sound 14.Washington State Dept of Ecology 15.Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 16.Port of Newport 17.Puget Sound Harbor Safety Committee 18.Sound Ocean Systems, Inc. 19.Council of American Master Mariners 20.Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group 21.Pacific Salmon Center 22.Sea Bird Electronics, Inc.

1.Ocean Inquiry Project 2.Oregon Dept of Land Conservation & Development 3.Surfrider Foundation 4.The Boeing Company 5.Oregon State University 6.Puget Sound Action Team 7.University of Washington 8.WET Labs, Inc. 9.Oregon Health and Science University 10.Quileute Indian Tribe 11.Oregon Dept of Geology and Mineral Industries 12.Humboldt University 13.Marine Exchange of Puget Sound 14.Washington State Dept of Ecology 15.Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 16.Port of Newport 17.Puget Sound Harbor Safety Committee 18.Sound Ocean Systems, Inc. 19.Council of American Master Mariners 20.Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group 21.Pacific Salmon Center 22.Sea Bird Electronics, Inc NGO State/local Govt Industry Academia/Research Tribes Building NANOOS: Members to date…

Building NANOOS: Governance structure evolution Users Advisory Group NANOOS Coordinator Steering Committee Workshops DMAC User/Stakeholde r Outreach Other NANOOS Priorities Executive Committee Officers, NANOOS Executive Director, Standing Committee Chairs Governing Council Standing Committees: Operations Committee Data/Information Management and Communications Committee Modeling and Analysis Product Committee Science and Research Committee Education and Outreach Committee Nominating Committee AB Education

Building NANOOS: System design strategy Integrate what we have: NANOOS Pilot project Strategize to build what we need: Prioritize NANOOS backbone with federal agencies and the needs for our Regional Coastal Ocean Observing System

Some Ocean Observing Tools A system of systems