CONDITIONS: Assigned as a Unit Supply Clerk or Supply Sergeant in a field or garrison environment and given the requirement to turn in supplies or equipment. Given MoD Form 9, authorization documents, local forms, and supplies or equipment for turn-in. STANDARDS: Turn in excess or unserviceable supplies and equipment without losing supply accountability. در ختم این درس مداومین قادر به آموزش موضوعا ت ذیل خواهند شد : AT THE END OF THIS LESSON YOU WILL BE ABLE TO: در ختم این درس مداومین قادر به آموزش موضوعا ت ذیل خواهند شد : LEARNING OBJECTIVE اهداف اموزشی
General Commanders at all levels are responsible for turn-in of excess and non-repairable equipment. Serviceability will be determined by the appropriate maintenance activity. Corps G4 or equivalent will provide disposition instructions for serviceable excess items which are excess to the units Tashkiel. If there is no Corps requirement, the Corps G4 or equivalent will forward the excess request to the GS/G4 for additional instructions. TURN-IN SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT A-1117
General GS/G4 will provide disposition instructions for equipment reported by each of the Corps G4. If no requirement exists, unit will be directed to turn-in equipment to the supporting depot. The PBO will provide a document number for the MoD Form 9 prior to the owning unit turning-in any property book equipment. Once the MoD Form 9 is signed by receiving location, the document will be submitted to the Property Book Officer (PBO). The PBO will then remove item from property book records and retain the form in the supporting document file. TURN-IN SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT A-1117
Excess Serviceable Supply and Equipment Turn-in: Unit will request approval prior to turn-in of any serviceable supplies not listed on the Tashkiel. Corps G4 or equivalent approval is required to turn-in any serviceable supplies or equipment not on the Tashkiel. All serviceable supplies turned-in to the supporting supply activity must be added to the accountable officers stock record account. Organization maintaining appropriate Document Register (MoD Form 4) will issue a document number for the MoD Form 9.
Excess Serviceable Supply and Equipment Turn-in: Unit supply activity must issue document number from the Non-Property Book Document Register (MoD Form 4) for expendable/durable items. PBO will issue the document number from the Property Book Document Register (MoD Form 4) for equipment listed on property records. TURN-IN SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT A-1117
Vehicle Turn-In and Unserviceable Property Book Equipment Turn-In (Including Weapons): Damaged or destroyed equipment must have maintenance documentation to request disposition instructions. Turn-in documentation, MoD Form 9, is required even if controlled exchange of weapons parts are authorized. Once equipment is determined to be damaged beyond repair by the maintenance activity, a MoD Form 64 (approved by the Corps Commander or first two star general in chain of command) will validate damage to equipment. This completed document will be provided to the supporting PBO.
TURN-IN SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT A-1117 Vehicle Turn-In and Unserviceable Property Book Equipment Turn-In (Including Weapons): Materiel Investigation (MoD Form 4697) is required for any damaged/destroyed weapon, vehicle or sensitive item due to other than fair, wear and tear.. Equipment will be turned-in to the supporting depot using MoD Form 9. The losing unit PBO will issue a unique document number on the MoD Form 9 once maintenance status is verified by a completed MoD Form 64 or disposition letter from the Corps G4 or GS/G4.