Afghanistan Peace and Reintegration Program (APRP) Religious and Cultural Affairs (RCA) Officers and Mullahs APRP Awareness Brief Unclassified This presentation will give you a brief introduction to the Afghan Peace and Reintegration Program known as ‘APRP’, or ‘The Peace Process’ or sometimes just simple ‘Reintegration’. Brief will take about 40 mins You have been issued the ANA ‘Commanders APRP Guide’ (ANA RCA Officers Mullahs APRP Awareness Brief V2 dated Sep 2011) Unclassified
Brief Will Cover: The Vehicle for Reintegration is the Terminology APRP History Outline of APRP (The Peace Programme) APRP Relevance to Deployed ANA / ANSF and Their Duty Current Situation and Success The ANA / ANP Reintegration Soldiers Card (An ANSF Commanders Reminder of the Peace Programme information) A Reminder of Your Duty as ANSF to Support The Peace Programme Questions and Discussion Do not dwell on content The Vehicle for Reintegration is the Afghanistan Peace & Reintegration Program (APRP)
“Happiness comes from Peace.” Terminology ‘APRP is a Peace Program Led By the GIRoA and Supported by the International Community’ Reintegration: Means to Take the Fighter out of the Fight. It is a Programme where Fighters Choose to Leave the Insurgency and Peacefully Rejoin their Communities. But – Members of the Armed Opposition who choose not to join the Afghan Peace and Reintegration Programme (APRP) will be tracked and destroyed by ANSF and ISAF forces. Reintegration: The process by which insurgents (both individual and groups of the armed opposition) decide to leave the insurgency and peacefully rejoin their communities. Key is that it will likely happen in your battle space. They must help Identify Opportunities where Insurgents wish to Reintegrate . “Happiness comes from Peace.”
APRP History Afghanistan has a courageous tradition of forgiveness and reconciliation. The President and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan issued a Decree on 29 June 2010 Ordering that all Support the Afghanistan Peace and Reintegration Program. It is an Afghanistan led programme supported by ISAF and the International Community. The Ministers of the Interior and Defence have directed that APRP must be supported at all levels and that all ANSF must support and understand APRP. The ANA Chief of the General Staff issued Cipher 265, dated 13.11/1389 directing the ANA to support APRP and to understand APRP at all levels of command Remember that the APRP is Intended to Peacefully Remove the Armed Opposition from the Battlefield. BUT the ANSF will continue to track, find and destroy any of the Armed Opposition who choose not to accept the offered hand of Peace and Reintegration and join the Afghan Peace and Reintegration Programme (APRP) Stress the tradition of Forgiveness and Reconciliation and that APRP takes fighters out of the fight peacefully. It is an Afghan Program supported by ISAF and International Community President passed the Joint Order and Gen Karimi ANA CGS Directed that all train and understand and support etc Accelerated peace process means less fighters planting IED and the ability to focus the ‘Strike / attack’ on those remaining, foreign fighters and the ideologically motivated elements of the insurgency. End state: Insurgents peacefully leaving the fight and returning to their communities with honor
An Outline of The Peace Programme (APRP) APRP is Intended to Remove The Armed Opposition from the Battlefield Peacefully and Return them to Their Communities Remember that 85% of the Armed Opposition are NOT Ideologically Driven and Fight Close to their Homes – i.e. in Your Unit Area of Deployment Remember that Many of the Armed Opposition are Fighting Because of Old ‘Grievances’ and are being Exploited by Extremists and Foreign Fighters from Other Countries. APRP Acknowledges the Honor, Dignity of Fighters and the Grievances that Drove Many Fighters into the Insurgency. APRP Can Cut the Traditional Cycle of Violence by Offering an Alternative Choice to the Armed Opposition. The Increase in Successful ‘Strike Operations’ and the growth in Numbers and Professionalism of the ANA, ANP and ANSF has led many Lower and Middle Level Groups of Armed Opposition to Think About Peace and Reintegration No Dilution of Offensive ‘Strike’ Operations APRP Provides for Development In Districts Where Reintegration Happens. Stress that it is ‘Offensive’ in nature in that APRP takes fighters out of the fight but Peacefully. Stress that most of the Armed Opposition are there because of Grievances and that now that Afghanistan is growing and developing that they may be seeking other options to fighting mention that many have been exploited our Afghan Brothers and uses local Grievances to draw them into a fight led by Foreign Fighters Stress that APRP recognizes and they must recognize that it is important to acknowledge Honor and Dignity if the Armed Opposition are to join the process and Afghanistan is to grow. (never use words such as ‘surrender’ etc). Tell them that all this is reiterated in the Commanders Card that you will see at the end of the brief. Traditional AFG culture can see relatives joining the insurgency following death of a family member on the battlefield. Taking fighters off the battlefield without killing them can cut the cycle that feeds the insurgency. Offensive strike and kinetic operations have created the conditions that sees many groups of the armed opposition , at mid and lower level, interested in joining the APRP – Kinetic Strike has been the enabler and continues to ‘encourage’. Community recovery and development is a very big part of APRP and offers insurgents an alternative, APRP offers communities development incentives and the community ‘recovery’ process must be protected from revenge attack by groups of the Armed Opposition still on the battlefield. End state: Armed Opposition peacefully leave the fight and return to their communities with honor
Afghan Programme to “Remove Fighters From the Fight - Peacefully!” Provincial Governors lead the Provincial level Peace Programme (APRP) and Have Provincial Peace Councils (PPC) . District Administrators are doing the Same at District Level. ANSF Must Work Closely With Provincial and District Governors to ‘Support’ and ‘Protect’ APRP Remember the Peace Programme is GIRoA and Provincial Governor Led Provincial Governors and District Administrators have a key role to play
Why is APRP Relevant to Deployed ANA and ANP Every War is Followed by Some form of ‘Reconciliation and Reintegration’. Takes Insurgents Out off the Battlefield & Back to Communities. APRP is an ‘Offensive Tool’ to Defeat of the Opposition and Bring Peace. Most of the Armed Opposition are NOT Ideologically Driven and Fight Close to their Homes – i.e. in Your Area of Deployment. Many of The Armed Opposition are Under Pressure and Have Become Tired of Fighting. Reintegration Candidates Require Simple Conditions Including: Security and Confidence the GIROA and ANSF Will Not be ‘Predatory’ Reintegration is One of The GIRoA, The MOD, The MoI and ISAF’s Priorities. It is a Leadership Responsibility to Ensure all Soldiers and Policemen Understand Why Reintegration is Important - This is your duty. Reintegrated or Reintegrating Insurgents do not (usually) lay IEDs! AND it cuts the cycle of violence that can feed relatives of KIA insurgents back into the fight. After every Insurgency / conflict there has always been a period of ‘Reconciliation and Reintegration’. It is part of COIN – NI, Sierra Leone, Iraq, Malaya, Balkans, Mau Mau in Kenya etc etc. – In AFG Reintegration is taking place before any Peace Agreement and whilst the ‘kinetic’ is still going on. It is aimed at ‘taking the legs away’ from the Insurgency and is therefore an Offensive Tool (Stress it is an offensive tool) Vast majority of Insurgents are not driven by Fundamentalist Ideology but are involved due to some local or national grievance that is being exploited by those who are Ideologically driven – APRP looks to separate the two and draw them off the battlefield – your part of the battlefield! It is localized and so for many reconnecting and reintegrating with their communities is an increasingly attractive option. If reintegration occurs in communities in your AO then the chances are that it takes insurgents out of YOUR fight. Increasing success of kinetic operations and the spreading footprint of ANSF and ISAF has increased pressure to point where many are now thinking of other options. Some groups coming into dialogue have lost 2 commanders to kinetic strike in last 8 months. ‘Predatory Practices’ - Previous Afghan Governments and Policing has preyed upon local populations and this is what drove many of the now Insurgents ‘into the hills’ etc. COMISAF priority and, if momentum develops , it has been identified as a potential ‘Game Changer’ Some Soldiers may resent the concept of ‘Reintegrating’ Insurgents who may have been planting IED’s during a previous ‘Tour’ (Military Deployment) of Afghanistan. Commanders must ensure that soldiers under command understand, that whilst not a ‘sliver bullet’, Reintegration could be an important factor in contributing to a reduction in casualties within their AO “Happiness comes from Peace.” 7
ANSF Role – This is Your Duty ANSF Must Carry Out these Tasks as part of their Duty: ‘INFORM’ - Inform the population about the Peace Programme (Use the ANSF Commanders Cards) ‘FIND’ - Help Find Insurgent groups who are tired of fighting may wish to enter the Peace Programme (APRP) ‘PROTECT’ - Protect reintegration events, reintergrees and communities involved in the Peace Programme from revenge attacks ‘SUPPORT’ - Support the Peace Programme (APRP) and those tasked to implement it. INFORM: When on patrols or when conditioning any duties you must talk to and inform the local population about the Peace Programme. Also discuss it with Elders and at any Shuras or meetings that you may be involved in. Use the ANSF Commanders Card FIND: If you think that local communities have contact with Insurgents groups in the area you must encourage them to pass on details of the Peace Programme and APRP to the Insurgent groups. Encourage discussion of the opportunities that the Peace Programme offers. PROTECT: You must help protect communities that accept reintegration of their Afghan brothers back into a peaceful life. The Extremists and Forign Fighters are scared of losing fighters to Peaceful Reintegration and will seek to attack these communities. We must Protect these communities and Reintergrees so that more are encouraged to join the Peace Process. You must also protect Reintegration events and meetings for the same reasons. SUPPORT: Support all aspects of APRP and all those who are making it happen.
Religious and Cultural Affairs (RCA) Officers and ANA Mullahs Role - This is Your Duty RCA are Requested to Lead and Educate their Corps, Division, Brigade and Kandak in Understanding APRP using the Information Provided in the Briefings, Commanders Cards and Pamphlets. They are Respectfully Requested to: - Understand the Afghan Peace and Reintegration Programme (APRP) and the Tasks Set to the ANSF in the Last Slide. - Educate their Units about APRP and the Peace Programme. They must make Sure that the ANA Understand that Insurgents who Choose not to Join the Peace Programme Will be Tracked, Targeted and Destroyed. - Work with their Commanders to Develop a Good Relationship with Community Elders and Mullahs in their Area of Deployment and Encourage the Communities to Support APRP and the peace Programme. - Encourage ANA and Communities to Identify Opportunities where Insurgents who are Tired of Fighting Can be Encouraged to Join the APRP. INFORM: When on patrols or when conditioning any duties you must talk to and inform the local population about the Peace Programme. Also discuss it with Elders and at any Shuras or meetings that you may be involved in. Use the ANSF Commanders Card FIND: If you think that local communities have contact with Insurgents groups in the area you must encourage them to pass on details of the Peace Programme and APRP to the Insurgent groups. Encourage discussion of the opportunities that the Peace Programme offers. PROTECT: You must help protect communities that accept reintegration of their Afghan brothers back into a peaceful life. The Extremists and Forign Fighters are scared of losing fighters to Peaceful Reintegration and will seek to attack these communities. We must Protect these communities and Reintergrees so that more are encouraged to join the Peace Process. You must also protect Reintegration events and meetings for the same reasons. SUPPORT: Support all aspects of APRP and all those who are making it happen.
Part of the Demobilization Phase Includes the Collecting Biometrics by Specialist Afghan Teams from Kabul - This Will be Done in Private
Current Situation and Progress So Far: 2,418 Insurgents in the Programme in September 2011. Many More Groups Across All of Afghanistan are in ‘Discussions’ About Joining the Peace Process . Not all Insurgents are Allowed to Join the Peace Programme - Foreign Fighters Cannot Join and Will be Tracked and Destroyed. The Peace Programme Can Help Bring Peace to Afghanistan and End the War Between Afghan Brothers. The ANSF Are Continue to Track, Find and Destroy Fighters Who do not Wish to Accept the Offered Hand of Peace and Join the Afghan Peace and Reintegration Programme (APRP) Peace Process is growing rapidly. Many thousand in secret discussions about joining the Peace Programme (APRP). Remember that NOT ALL INSURGENTS CAN JOIN – Foreign Fighters cannot, they will be tracked and killed / captured. Criminals who joined the Insurgency to escape justice for their civil crimes must still be held to account for those civilian crimes. GIRoA is looking at other categories who will not be allowed to Reintegrate i.e. those who recruited Suicide Bombers but decisions are not yet made. But the vast majority or Insurgents will be welcomed into the Peace Process. Following slides are dated but demonstrate the spread and footprint. Many insurgents who are in ‘Dialogue’ are waiting to see how current reintegrees fare in the Afghan Peace and Reintegration Programme (APRP) 11
Afghanistan Reintegration July 2011 UNCLASSIFIED Reintegration Activity 18 Provinces with Events 06 Provinces with Opportunities JOWZJAN KUNDUZ BALKH BADAKHSHAN 10 Provinces with No Activity TAKHAR SAMANGAN FARYAB BAGHLAN SAR-E PUL PANJSHAYR NURISTAN BADGHIS BAMYAN PARWAN KAPSIA KUNAR LAGHMAN KABUL WARDAK HERAT GHOR NANGARHAR August 2010 LOGAR DAYKUNDI PAKTIYA GHAZNI KHOST FARAH Events 41 Reintegrees 2400 Opportunities 23 URUZGAN PAKTIKA Definitions: Event – Insurgent or group of insurgents who begin the reintegration process in a single act and at a single location. A numbered case file is opened and maintained. Opportunity – A group or individual expression of intent or willingness to stop fighting and to be reintegrated into Afghan society. Enrolled – Insurgent in some step of (bun not having completed) the reintegration process which includes the minimum following steps: biometrics collected, intel and community vetting; weapons turned in or registered; reintegration card and oath. If applicable, the commitments made to the insurgent by the GIRoA are followed up to completion. Negotiating – Direct dialogue between government and anti-government representatives intended to resolve disputes, to produce an agreement, to bargain for individual or collective advantage, or to craft outcomes to satisfy various interests, and most importantly to offer an alternative to violent conflict. Recidivist – Insurgent or group of insurgents that have completed the reintegration process and subsequently go back to the insurgency. Provincial Peace Councils – PPC partnered by IJC RCs through Security Committees and supported by PRTs. PPCs responsible for APRP implementation and management of reintegration within Province. PPC pulls together Provincial representatives from GIRoA Ministries, religious and tribal elders. Provincial Joint Secretariat Teams – PJSTs are responsible for supporting the PPC implementation and management of reintegration activity within the province. There are members assigned to support outreach, demobilization, development, administration, and finance. ZABUL HELMAND KANDAHAR NIMROZ Provincial Established Emerging Council 32 2 JS Team 23 19 Jul 11 Kandahar is the one emerging PPC Reintegration Itself Forces the Pace
The ANSF Reintegration Soldiers Card: A ‘Memory Aide’ for commanders in all positions. You should carry this with you and use it to refresh your memory. The Afghanistan Peace and Reintegration Program (APRP) must be discussed as widely as possible Distributed across all Regional Commands with ANA and ISAF The ISAF version is slightly shorter. ANA need to know more detail as you will be discussing it with friends, family and most important your fellow Afghan citizens when you are on patrol and during daily routine tasks
Purpose: This Soldier’s card provides guidance to ANSF personnel who encounter members of the Armed Opposition or go-betweens wanting to talk about entering the formal Peace Programme (APRP) and reintegrate peacefully back into their communities.
General: This section reminds you of the outline of APRP: It is a GIRoA led programme and supported by Provincial Governors Armed Opposition who join the Peace Process join with honour and dignity. Communities and neighbouring communities that accept back reintegrating Armed Opposition will benefit from development and help. Armed Opposition who join the Peace Process and their families will be helped by GIRoA during the process. Go through the points on the Card one by one and get the students to follow the Dari on the card
Initial Meeting (Contact): Reminds you that first contact could be direct, or through a trusted friend and what actions to take (What to do is listed in detail on the card): It is very important that you treat the person with dignity and honour Take precautions to make sure that you and your fellow ANSF are safe. It is very important that you make sure that you have details of the group that wants to join the Peace Process. It is very important that you confirm how ANA can contact the individual again to continue the discussion. Go through the points on the Card one by one and get the students to follow the Dari on the card
Follow Up Action. Reported IMMEDIATLY to your HQ as an ‘Incident’ Your HQ will coordinate the next steps
The Peace Process acknowledges ‘Honour & Dignity’. Things To Do: ( This is very Important) The Peace Process acknowledges ‘Honour & Dignity’. Reintegrating Armed Opposition are allowed to keep a personal weapon that has been registered for self defence. Remind them that the Peace Programme (APRP) benefits peaceful communities not just reintegrating Armed Opposition. Go through the points on the Card one by one and get the students to follow the Dari on the card
NEVER profile joining the Peace Process as ‘Surrender’. 6. Things NOT To Do: (Important) Do not offer Amnesty – It is part of the Peace Process but only GIRoA can offer Amnesty. NEVER profile joining the Peace Process as ‘Surrender’. Do not tell anyone if they are or are not on a targeting list. Do not do anything that goes against the teachings and laws of Islam. Do not make promises such as money. Go through the points on the Card one by one and get the students to follow the Dari on the card
7. Armed Opposition Who Do NOT Want to Join the Peace Process (APRP): The Armed Opposition who join the ‘Peace Process’ will be welcomed as our Afghan brothers. But those who chose not to join the ‘Peace Process’ will be tracked, found and defeated. Welcome and respect the Armed Opposition that wish for peace but ANSF and ISAF will continue to ‘Find’ and ‘Strike’ those who refuse the offered hand of the Peace Process.
Remember the ANSF Role ANSF Must Carry Out these Tasks and their Duty: ‘INFORM’ - Inform the population, your family and friends about the Afghan Peace and Reintegration Programme (APRP) ‘FIND’ - Help Find Insurgent groups who wish to enter APRP ‘PROTECT’ - Protect reintegration events and communities ‘SUPPORT’ - Support the APRP The ANSF Reintegration Card Reminds you of what the Peace Programme (APRP) is. Use it, Show it to the Population, your Family and Relatives and Elders. Remind them of these tasks and their Duty Remind them that the card should be shown to as many people as possible and to discussed it where safe when on and off duty. Show it to people who are able to read even if their own reading is not good - Family, Elders and Mullahs at home when on leave as well as when on patrols.
Remember the Religious and Cultural Affairs (RCA) Officers and ANA Mullahs are Respectfully Requested to do the Following Understand the Afghan Peace and Reintegration Programme (APRP) Lead and Educate their Corps, Division, Brigade and Kandak in Understanding APRP Use the Information Provided in the Briefings, Commanders Cards and Pamphlets Develop a Good Relationship with Community Elders and Mullahs in their Area of Deployment and Encourage the Communities to Support APRP and the peace Programme. Identify Opportunities where Insurgents who are Tired of Fighting Can be Encouraged to Join the APRP. And Make Sure that the ANA Understand that Insurgents who Choose not to Join the Peace Programme Will be Tracked, Targeted and Destroyed INFORM: When on patrols or when conditioning any duties you must talk to and inform the local population about the Peace Programme. Also discuss it with Elders and at any Shuras or meetings that you may be involved in. Use the ANSF Commanders Card FIND: If you think that local communities have contact with Insurgents groups in the area you must encourage them to pass on details of the Peace Programme and APRP to the Insurgent groups. Encourage discussion of the opportunities that the Peace Programme offers. PROTECT: You must help protect communities that accept reintegration of their Afghan brothers back into a peaceful life. The Extremists and Forign Fighters are scared of losing fighters to Peaceful Reintegration and will seek to attack these communities. We must Protect these communities and Reintergrees so that more are encouraged to join the Peace Process. You must also protect Reintegration events and meetings for the same reasons. SUPPORT: Support all aspects of APRP and all those who are making it happen.
A depiction of former fighters who are joining the Peace Process A depiction of former fighters who are joining the Peace Process. We wish them success.
Useful Links / Websites There is an UNCLASSIFIED Website at: The Website Contains the Following and all the Content Can be Downloaded by Everyone: ANSF CARD and translations (version 6) (English, Pashtu and Dari) ANSF CARD and translations (version 6) (English, Pashtu and Dari) - printable version Reintegration Handbook (Coy Comd / Bn Staff +) - in Dari. Training Briefs in English, Dari and Pashto All the Supporting Documents
Questions / Discussion “Happiness comes from Peace.”
USEFUL EXTRA SLIDES To Help ANSF Instructors answer some Frequently Asked Questions.
Other Frequently Asked Questions Who can join the APRP? The APRP is a nation-wide program for all Afghan fighters who agree to renounce violence and ties to terrorist groups and to live peacefully with in the laws of Afghanistan. Those who fled to hill for criminal acts are still accountable for crimes committed. Foreign Fighters are not eligible. GIRoA is working on Amnesty rules but it could exclude Insurgents guilty of massacres, ‘controlling and deploying suicide bombers etc. How will the APRP benefit peaceful and law-abiding Afghans? Under the APRP, everyone benefits because APRP recovery packages are for the entire community. For those Afghans living in communities where reintegration is not occurring, the benefits will come from living in a peaceful and stable Afghanistan. Other development programs will support these peaceful communities. What happens to fighters who want to reintegrate but cannot return to their communities? Communities will decide whom they have back through the PPRC. If a community refuses to accept a former fighter, or the fighter does not want to return, the Joint Secretariat will find alternatives. This may involve temporary or permanent relocation or other options. 27
Can reintegrees join ANSF and ALP? Once reintegrated former fighters have completed the program, they are citizens of Afghanistan, and may in some cases join the ANSF or ANP. But to do so, former fighters must be selected by their community and must pass through the same screening procedures as any other ANSF or ANP candidate. There is no guaranteed place in the ANSF or ANP for reintegrees. ALP is not a part of the APRP, it is separate but it supports the provision of security for communities and individuals who reintegrate. After successful reintegration, individuals are eligible for consideration by their communities for participation in ALP, undergoing the standard vetting process for accession and selection.