Instructions for Filling out the Intent to Reintegrate Form Survey Training
Intent to Reintegrate Form The first form to be filled out Official commitment to renounce violence and terrorism, and declaration of intent to reintegrate Consists of 4 sections –A : General info –B : Personal info –C : Reintegration Candidates commitment to reintegrate and needs –D : Signatures of officials who witnessed the signing of the form by the candidate Filled out by the Surveyor Signed by the Reintegration Candidate Signed by the Surveyor, MoI and NDS reps of the committee A B C D
Intent to Reintegrate Form 1.Date of Registration according to Afghan Calendar 2.Date of Registration according to Gregorian Calendar 3.Location of Registration Leave the Village field blank, if the registration is being done at the District Center. 4.Name, Rank, & Organization of the Surveyor
Intent to Reintegrate Form 5.Taskira Number Must be written if available 6.Name of the applicant Must be checked against Taskira or official documents 7.Fathers Name of the applicant 8.Grand Fathers Name of the applicant 9.Applicants ethnicity (Pashtun, Uzbek, Tajik, …etc.) to be written 10.Age Date of Birth can also be written 11.Place of Birth 12.Current Address Write where the applicant lives 13.Put a check mark for the option that applies 14.The number of applicants family members who depend on him for support, aid, or sustenance, especially financial support
15 Intent to Reintegrate Form 15.Put check mark for the assistance required by the applicant 16.The applicant is to place his fingerprint on the form using his right thumb 17.To be signed by the MoI and NDS representatives, and the Surveyor
Instructions for Filling out the Registration and Survey Form Survey Training
Registration and Survey Form The second form to be filled out Plays an important role in identifying the nature of grievances, and the needs and expectations of ex-insurgents Contains 9 sections –Survey Info –Personal Info –Employment/Education –Reasons for Fighting and Grievances –Motivation and Requirements / Needs for Reintegration –Miscellaneous –Contact Info –Weapons Registration –Initial Assessment of the Surveyor Filled out by the Surveyor Signed by the Surveyor
Registration and Survey Form a.Write down the geographical coordinates of the location of registration, if known. 3a Information on fields 1 through 4, and 5 through 14 is to be exactly the same as the one on the Intent to Reintegrate Form
Registration and Survey Form Ask the applicant if he has any physical handicap. If the answer is Yes specify what it is. Otherwise check No as shown in the figure. 16.Write down one of the following insurgent groups which the insurgent is affiliated with. Taliban Hizb-i Islami Gulbeddin Haqqani Network Al Qaida If none of the above applies specify it. 17.Write down the name of applicants group commander. The group commanders name must be the same as written on his survey form. 18.Write down the applicants position or rank in the group
Registration and Survey Form Ask the applicant if he is currently involved in a regular activity which is performed in exchange for payment. 20.The reason behind this question is to get information about what he is good at doing, or what his profession is. For example; if farming is the only work which he has been involved in so far then the surveyor should writefarming as the response to this question. If he has experience in constructing buildings or roads then the surveyor should writebuilding construction or road construction. 19
Registration and Survey Form Note that this question is also closely related to the previous question. It aims to get info about how much experience the individual has at his previous employments. The surveyors should fill out this section as shown in the example. 22.Write down the applicants native language (e.g. Dari, Pashtu, etc.) Farmer Road Construction Worker
23.Ask the applicant if he can speak another language other than his primary (native) language. If the person speaks only one language this field must be left blank. 24.Check the option of which the applicant has a diploma. Check Illiterate, if the applicant has never gone to school. 25.Ask the applicant if he has received any technical training. (e.g. welding, carpentry etc.) If the answer is Yes specify what it is. 26.Write down what employment the applicant wants. 27.Write down what the applicant wants to study. Registration and Survey Form
28.Ask the applicant who his enemy is in his fight. Although this question is not a multiple choice, the data managers will select at least one of the following options which are currently in the database. The surveyors should be aware of these options in terms of helping the applicant answer the question in the correct way. Coalition Forces GIRoA Taliban Hizb-i Islami Gulbeddin Haqqani Network Rival Tribe Rival Ethnic Group Former Mujahidin Parties Registration and Survey Form 28
29.Ask the applicant why he fought. Below are some examples that might help the surveyor make the individual understand the question well. Belief in the cause (Belief in what the individual thinks is right ideologically) For making money to survive For security reasons Grievances with GIRoA Believed Coalition Forces are invaders 30.Write down how long the applicant fought as insurgent. 31.The applicant should be asked to give specific examples as to what he thinks are the outstanding grievances/obstacles to peace. 32.Write down the answer given by the applicant. Registration and Survey Form
33.Ask the applicant why he wants to reconcile with the government. Note that more one option can be checked. 34.Put a check mark next to those that are chosen by the applicant. Note that the answers given to this question must be consistent with ones on the Intent to Reintegrate Form (Field # 15). Registration and Survey Form 33 34
Put check marks next to those that are chosen by the applicant. 36.Write the applicants security concerns. 37.Put a check mark next to the answer given by the applicant. 38.Put a check mark next to the answer given by the applicant, and type the name of province, district, and village. 39.Put check marks next to those that are chosen by the applicant. 40.It is suggested that applicants mention their telephone number so that they can be contacted for further assistance. 41.Write the address of the applicant if available Registration and Survey Form
42.Write down the type of weapon registered by the applicant. (Pistol, Rifle, …) 43.Write down the model of the weapon. (e.g. STAR, AK-47, …) 44.Write down the serial number written on the weapon. 45.Write down the amount of ammunition Registration and Survey Form
46.Write down the type of weapon returned to the government by the applicant. (Pistol, Rifle, Light machine gun, Heavy machine gun, Shoulder launched rocket (RPG), Mortar, Hand grenade) 47.Write down the model of the weapon. 48.Write down the serial number written on the weapon. 49.Write down the amount of ammunition that is returned together with the related weapon. Example: Registration and Survey Form RPGRPG RifleAK
Registration and Survey Form 50.The assessment is to be made by the surveyor. Put a check mark next to one of the options. 51.The assessment is to be made by the surveyor. 52.The surveyor is to identify whether the applicant is able to read and write or not. The surveyor may ask the applicant to read some parts of the form, and to write down a sentence he is told. 53.Type other information provided by the applicant. 54.The surveyor may write other comments that he thinks might be helpful. 55.This section is to be signed by the surveyor