March 2007 Mi Kyung Lee National Assembly Library of Korea
Parliamentary Library National Digital Library National Library National Assembly Library 1 / 28
Legislative Information Service 2 / 28
Legislative Knowledge DB System 3 / 28
Contents Legislative Knowledge DatabaseSystem 1 Overview & brief history 2 Search pages 3 Business flow 4 Responsibilities 5 Effectiveness 4 / 28
Overview 1. Overview & Brief history Brief history 5 / 28
Compilation of major policy issue – abstract, in-depth analysis, research papers, reference materials Put out maximum efficiency with human & material resources of the NAL Help to improve intellectual capability of legislative officials Overview 6 / 28
1998 : initiated Legislative Knowledge DB service 2000 : created 331 topics - Legislative Knowledge DB demonstration ( ) 2006 : created 1,000 topics ( ) : created 1,041 topics Brief History 7 / 28
Search methods 2. Search pages Integrated search Search by current issues Search by standing committees Contents of DB Search examples 8 / 28
Legislative Knowledge DB main page 9 / 28
Search methods keyword search Integrated search search from the alphabetical list related term search By current issue search from the standing committees or government offices By Standing committee 10 / 28
Integrated search 11 / 28
Search by current issues 12 / 28
Search by standing committees 13 / 28
Contents of DB 24 subjects have main body, references, and knowledge links summary & full-length report on a current issue Main body books, theses, periodicals, etc. bibliographical information References individual experts, institution websites external resources related to the issue Knowledge links 14 / 28
15 / 28 Search example (1)
Search example (2) 16 / 28
Search example (3) 17 / 28
Process of operation 3. Business flow Criteria for selection 18 / 28
Process of operation Develop topics Select topics Create topics (Legislative Knowledge DB management system) Create topics (Legislative Knowledge DB management system) Search data (Librarian) Search data (Librarian) Select materials ( Legislative Information Researcher ) Select materials ( Legislative Information Researcher ) Existence of full-text Create server upload list (Librarian) Create server upload list (Librarian) Create DB Make a report (Legislative Information Researcher) Make a report (Legislative Information Researcher) Create full-text (Outsourcing) Create full-text (Outsourcing) NO YES 19 / 28
Criteria for selection suitable materials maintain the latest requested materials continuance of revise/update materials General rules old materials non directly related materials unattainable materials Restricted materials 20 / 28
4. Responsibilities Create new topic (1) Create new topic (2) Update topic (1) Update topic (2) Mailing Service 21 / 28
Create new topic (1) Develop & select topics Develop topics related to legislation and current policy issues Select new / update topics at the Legislative Information Committee every month Create topics Create topics to the Legislative Knowledge DB Management System Search & select materials Search for references from Library Information Management System and Digital Library Add references to the Legislative Knowledge DB Management System Delete unsuitable references (librarians) Select closely related references (researchers) 22 / 28
Create new topic (2) Create full-text DB Full-text DB add to server Create server upload list Make & edit reports Make analysis reports List up related experts and websites Service Upload the Legislative Knowledge DB Management System Create pop-up ads 23 / 28
Update topic (1) Find topics necessary to change its law, system, or policy Send a list of revised topics to librarian Send a list of revised topics to librarian Select revised topics at the Legislative Information Committee Select revised topics at the Legislative Information Committee Send revised contents to editor Send revised contents to editor Revise individual experts and useful links Revise individual experts and useful links Revise & update 24 / 28
Update topic (2) books, theses, periodicals - delete less-related references - newly selected by Legislative Information Researchers - add to server & create full-text DB Update references revise related law - examine revised laws - download & add to server revise knowledge links - examine changes in the knowledge links - modify the changes 25 / 28
Mailing Service new or updated topics to MPs and staff List on Whats new Put on the Librarys main homepage 26 / 28
5. Effectiveness 27 / 28
Current issues - support legislative activities Related materials - save time and effort Knowledge links - passage for acquiring in-depth information Electronic Legislative Encyclopedia Policy Information Map Effectiveness 28 / 28
Thank you National Assembly Library of Korea