When parallels collide: Parallel records, parallel fields and hybrid records OCLC Users Group Annual Meeting 3/6/2004 Hsi-chu Bolick University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Swelling glossaries for records in WorldCat: Parallel records Parallel fields (for CJK records) Hybrid records [ Parlez-vous Nihongo, muchacho] OCLC Users Group Annual Meeting 3/6/ 2004
WorldCat evolves Parallel records: ( in OCLC TB 250): A policy change : Allows for PARALLEL RECORDS within WorldCat by language of cataloging cat/tab/250/ - Information for parallel records indicated in fields 040 +b and 936 OCLC Users Group Annual Meeting 3/6/2004
OCLC Users Group Annual Meeting 3/6/ 2004
OCLC policy change < TB 250: -- These were duplicated records in WorldCat -- under routine OCLC QC maintenance The purpose of QC: -- quality, clean database, unique bib. items -- effective bibliographic control OCLC Users Group Annual Meeting 3/6/ 2004
OCLC policy change Background: -- As part of OCLC becoming the leading global library cooperative, it has long been envisioned that World Cat would need a parallel record structure to display records by language of cataloging. -- Technological advancements OCLC Users Group Annual Meeting 3/6/2004
Inclusiveness: -- increased capacity for global resources Increased complexity: -- member increase in number and in level of participations -- Oracle database accepts a wide range of both MARC & non-MARC OCLC Users Group Annual Meeting 3/6/ 2004 New WorldCat
Increased complexity in cataloging practices -- the N. American practices (based on AACR2 and LC practices) + foreign/local practices OCLC Users Group Annual Meeting 3/6/ 2004 New WorldCat
The path when creating CJK records parallel linked fields -- MARC21 standard for multiscript records MARC21 Format for Bibliographic Data. Appendix D OCLC Users Group Annual Meeting 3/6/ 2004
OCLC Users Group Annual Meeting 2004 Work form
Parallel fields in CJK records -- In practice: AACR2 rev. + LCRI, etc. AACR2: Nonroman languages/scripts bibliographic records Bibliography notes, 2.7B18 Contents notes, 2.7B18 Corporate names (romanization), 24.1B "i.e." and "et al.," B.4 Language and script notes, 1.7B2 Nonroman elements on otherwise fully romanized records (notes), 1.7A3 Notes, 1.7A3 Series added entries, 21.30L OCLC Users Group Annual Meeting 2004
Parallel fields in CJK records -- In practice (cont): CONSER editing guide. Appendix O, specific guidelines: 4. When creating CJK records … give non-roman script data in consecutive parallel fields, with the same tag and indicator as its romanized counterpart. Always give the romanized field first. OCLC Users Group Annual Meeting 2004
Parallel fields in CJK records Key elements in CONSER editing guide - romanized field first --follow by non-roman script data in the second field -- one-to-one relationship between non-roman script and its romanized counterpart OCLC Users Group Annual Meeting 2004
Parallel fields in CJK records -- In practice (cont): LCRI: 24.1B. Romanization … always using systematic romanization as the heading for a body with a name written in a nonroman script. OCLC Users Group Annual Meeting 2004
Romanization The ALA-LC romanization tables: Chinese – the Pinyin system Japanese – the modified Hepburn system (as employed in Kenkyushas New Japanese-English Dictionary (3 rd + later ed.)) Korean – the McCune-Reischauer system OCLC Users Group Annual Meeting 2004
Parallel fields for descriptive cataloging: 1.The first parallel field: -- romanization of the CJK (non-roman) bibliographic elements 2. The second parallel field: -- the CJK (non-roman) script data of the romanized counterpart If not both: -- create only roman record OCLC Users Group Annual Meeting 2004
Parallel fields for subject headings Subject analysis LC subject cataloging manual:subject headings --H 182 Chinese/Japanese/Korean subject headings in RLIN OCLC Users Group Annual Meeting 3/6/ 2004
Parallel fields for subject headings H182 [ When to add non-roman scripts]: -- only for name headings assigned as subjects; -- [ but only] when there is one-to-one equivalency between the romanized portion of the name heading, official pronunciation, and LC romanization rules for the CJK language … -- Not for topical headings, even if established according to ALA-LC romanization tables. I.e. Feng sui ; Ukiyoe OCLC Users Group Annual Meeting 3/6/2004
Parallel fields in CJK records English terms: -- use in selected fields for notes, etc. -- when in doubt, consult AACR2 rules or OCLC bibliographic input standards -- never parallel English terms with non-roman scripts! OCLC Users Group Annual Meeting 2004
Example: Chinese record
Example: Japanese record
Example: Korean record
Summary 1. Use parallel field structure to create CJK records 2. Follow the standard guidelines, (AACR2, LCRI, LC subject guides, OCLC bibliographic input standards), and other national documents to formulate bibliographic data in OCLC MARC 3. Do not include local information intended for local users in the OCLCs master records -- (if you must, do it locally!) 4. Exercise your OCLC enhance authorization with great caution! Do so only if you are absolutely sure and have reviewed the item in hand against the prescribed rules and guidelines OCLC CJK Users group annual meeting 3/6/2004
Summary OCLC CJK Users Group Listserv: Subject: Chinese/English cataloging (10/10/2003) [ from Ms. Hisako Kotaka] -- gave a list of suggestions to avoid creating CJK hybrid records in WorldCat OCLC CJK Users group annual meeting 3/6/2004
Example: parallel record(2)