In the Home Stretch: final stages of RDA LC Committee on East Asian Libraries March 2013 Tom Yee LC Policy & Standards Division.


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Presentation transcript:

In the Home Stretch: final stages of RDA LC Committee on East Asian Libraries March 2013 Tom Yee LC Policy & Standards Division

RDA Implementation Implementation decision for RDA made in June 2011 – contingent on continued progress on recommendations from the US RDA Test LC and other US National Libraries announce March 31, 2013 as day one US RDA Test Coordinating Committee has verified completion of recommendations –or convincing evidence that completion is sufficiently on track

LCs RDA Training Plan Based on the promising progress towards carrying out the recommendations from the US RDA Test Coordinating Committee –Need sufficient time to train large staff –Training plan being set in motion– will be adjusted as necessary Goal: Target RDA implementation Day One: March 31, 2013 LCs partner national libraries also targeting early to mid 2013

RDA Prep Web Page

LC-PCC Policy Statements PSs are policies for use with RDA –Originally developed for LC catalogers during US RDA Test as Library of Congress Policy Statements October: title change to LC-PCC Policy Statements! –Represents a collaborative set of statements for both LC and the PCC; with clearer labels for applicability Major updates : Nov. 2011, Jan. 2012, April 2012, June 2012, Aug. 2012, Oct. 2012, Dec. 2012

LC-PCC PS Development Ideas come from: –LC catalogers –LChelp4RDA questions –PSD staff –PCC libraries –PCC task groups –Some changes to PS are triggered by changes to RDA

Drafting, Negotiation LC review: Policy & Standards Division staff, other experts consulted as needed (e.g., CJK catalogers) PCC review: PCC Standing Committee on Standards Wiki used to track decision making, agree on wording


Ongoing RDA Development Minor typographical errors, bugs - fixes are incorporated bi-monthly in RDA Toolkit Fast Track proposal process Constituency review of major changes and discussion papers - Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA Re-wording of selected chapters by copy editor 3 translations ongoing (French, Spanish, German)

Minor errors Who: anyone Triage: publisher Coding: JSC secretary or Toolkit programmers Time: release schedule

Fast Track Who: JSC member Wiki vote: JSC Coding: JSC secretary Time: 1 month/release

August-December 2012 RDA Toolkit Releases Approximately 200 changed instructions, examples, glossary entries, etc. Changes based on error reports, Fast Track actions, and Vocabulary development 88 changes ready for first 2013 Toolkit release

Constituency Review Changes 2012 Who: JSC constituencies & community (57) Review: all constituencies (over 400 documents) Finalization: JSC meeting (1 week) Coding: JSC secretary (214 instructions impacted) Time: August-April

Re-wording of selected RDA chapters –Chris Oliver, McGill University, copy editor –Review by JSC (all chapters) and US RDA Test participants (selected chapters) –Rewording being rolled out to the RDA Toolkit each update: December contained (6, 9, 10, 11) –All chapters expected to be published mid-2013 –Goal: make the instructions clearer to the average cataloger, not to change the instructions themselves. Also includes formatting to break-up long or complicated sentences

Translations and more… German, French, Spanish –Multilingual interface coming! Additional policy statements Essential RDA Element set registry Stay Tuned!

Transitions are hard! Be patient with yourself (and your reviewers) Dont forget what you already know Its better to do it right the first time, but if you dont, it can be fixed It will get easier!

As always, questions welcome