Between the Print and Digital Worlds: Scholarship and Librarianship in Transition Yang Jidong University of Michigan
What does transition mean? Some day in the future, the vast majority of Chinese studies resources and literature will only be available in a digital format. But printed resources will never totally disappear. Before that day in the future comes, print and digital resources will co-exist for many years. Lessons from Chinese history: from wood and bamboo to paper, from handwriting to printing.
Opportunities brought by the computer Convenience; New possibilities of scholarship.
Troubles brought by the computer The digital divide among scholars; Problems caused by the fast emerging, changing, and dying technologies; Negative impact of e-resources on scholarship; Endless needs for continuous learning for librarians and faculty.
Strategies for a smooth transition For librarians: emphasis on providing services. For faculty: develop academic programs using up-to-date technologies and digital resources. For e-resources providers: open access! For all: