Library of Congress Report to Committee on Technical Processing CEAL Young Ki Lee Regional and Cooperative Cataloging Division Library of Congress
Regional and Cooperative Cataloging Division 2007 Statistics R eceived : 53,979 items C ompleted : 61,707 items C opy cataloging : 15,376 items M inimum level cataloging : 5,202 items C ollection level cataloging : 52 items
N ew Name Authorities: 12,061 N ew Series Authorities: 110 M odified Authorities: 4,406 N ew Subject Authorities: 466 C lass Numbers Established: 521 B ibliographic Records Changed: 7,107
S taff : 73 W orking Backlog: 37,132 titles P roduction of regular work : 0.58 t/h
Regional and Cooperative Cataloging Division 2007 Highlights C ombining Cataloging and Acquisitions (Pilot Project): Effective Nov. 26, 2007, all 18 African/Asian Acquisition staff members reassigned to RCCD S RD staff reassigned to RCCD: several serials catalogers reassigned to RCCD
T ransition From RLIN21 to Voyager R LIN21 ceased: August 2007 V oyager (Library of Congress system) T ransliterator
Acquisitions 2007 Highlights A cquired 1,073,311 (including CJK) pieces : through purchase, gift, exchange, or transfer from other government agencies N ew electronic resources: included C hina Times News Database D atabase of the Chinese Government A sian Geospatial Dataset N orth Koreas Newspaper & Journals Database A n official exchange agreement: with the National Assembly Library of Korea
Acquisitions 2007 Highlights A cquire digital content S cience materials from Taiwan and for Macau publications
Digital Table of Contents 2007 Highlights T otal production: 86,000 TOCs 2 8,692 titles added in FY07, including 2,126 Chinese, Japanese and Korean PDFs 2 42 English summaries: in Chinese, Japanese, or Korean materials.
Bibliographic Data from Vendors Bibliographic Services Agreement J apan Publications Trading Company (JPTC): 200 monographs in the areas of humanities and social sciences K inokuniya: 70 monographs in the area of science and technology
Bibliographic Data from Vendors C hina National Publishing Industry Trading Corporation (CNPITC) I nitial Bibliographic Control (IBC) records for some Chinese materials
E ulyoo Publishing Company A cooperative agreement for bibliographic services was signed in Oct to purchase initial bibliographic control records. D isrupted by the closure of the RLIN bibliographic utility
Cataloging Policy and Support Office 2007 Highlights Transition From RLIN21 to Voyager C hange in Practice for Spacing in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean F requently Asked Questions : Cataloging of Nonroman Script Materials at the Library of Congress in a Post-RLIN World
N on-roman data in Authority records D iscussing with NACO nodes I mplementation in April 2008, or later W hite Paper: Issues Related to Non-Latin Characters in Name Authority Records C JK script data for non-book materials, such as maps, music, posters, etc.
L C Classification Schedules E -F (History: America) H (Social Sciences) M (Music) N (Fine Arts) P N (Literature General) Q (Science) T (Technology) C lassification Web (the official version) is updated daily, overnight
K NN (Chinese law) N on-roman script (Chinese) added
Chinese Team 2007 Highlights R eceived: 10,716 (-21%) C ompleted: 12,369 (-3%) W ork on hand: 1,340 (-57%) M LC increased 240% to 2,213, including 1,355 microforms S outh Manchuria Railway Company Collection, Taiwan Election Collection, and the Overseas Chinese Activities Collection Subject headings and classification: handbook for Chinese catalogers
Japanese Team 2007 Highlights R eceived: 6,809 (+14%) C ompleted: 8,225 (+40%) W ork on hand: 1,142 C ataloged 126 Japanese rare art books selected from Pre-Meiji Works in the Library P rocessed 1,208 Japanese serial titles from South Manchurian Railroad, published L C-CEAL Cataloging Internship
Korean/Chinese Team 2007 Highlights R eceived: 6,667 (-11%) C ompleted: 7,639 (+9%) W ork on hand: titles of Rare Korean religious materials from the late 19 th century and early 20 th century R evision of the Korean romanization and word division guidelines
Reorganization of ABA Directorate (Plan) Directorate management plan to implement the reorganization at the start of fiscal year 2009
Thank You