A worldwide library cooperative OCLC Online Computer Library Center OCLC CJK Users Group 2007 Annual Meeting March 24, 2007, Boston David Whitehair, OCLC FirstSearch, Open WorldCat, and WorldCat.org
OCLC Online Computer Library Center WorldCat public interfaces FirstSearch OCLCs traditional reference interface – access onsite at library or remotely via librarys Web site Open WorldCat Major search engines and other partner Web sites integrate subsets of WorldCat data with their own services – available to all Web users WorldCat.org OCLCs destination site for public searching of the entire WorldCat database – available to all Web users
OCLC Online Computer Library Center WorldCat indexing FirstSearch All WorldCat records indexed; more than 50 searchable keyword or phrase indexes including both Latin script and non-Latin script data Open WorldCat Subset of WorldCat records indexed; no direct searching; link to item records is from search results on partner pages WorldCat.org All WorldCat records indexed; indexes include keyword, title, author, control numbers (ISBN, ISSN, OCLC number); both Latin script and non-Latin script data
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Record displays FirstSearch Displays data from most MARC fields; includes Latin script and non-Latin script data Open WorldCat and WorldCat.org Brief bibliographic citation display (title, author, place/date of publication, language, format, ISBN/ISSN, subjects); includes Latin script and non-Latin script data
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Library holdings FirstSearch Includes all library holdings Open WorldCat and WorldCat.org Includes library holdings for all libraries that have an active WorldCat subscription on FirstSearch
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Interface languages FirstSearch Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Japanese, Korean, Spanish Open WorldCat and WorldCat.org Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Spanish
OCLC Online Computer Library Center
A worldwide library cooperative OCLC Online Computer Library Center Questions? ? ? ?