Regnet Specification : Functional point of view REGNET
Contents Functional architecture Process What is e-Business Regnet Functional Architecture
Functional architecture
Functional Architecture Present the Regnet components according to their function.
Process UP : Inception phase User Requirement Actors and Use Case list Vision document : Requirement Functional architecture of the software Elements of technical architecture Iteration planning For each iteration repeat : Detail Use case Deduce business objects
From e-Marketing to e- Business Deliver Integrated Web-enabled business systems and partners Execution e-Business Sell Transactional Web site Sales e-Commerce Graphical Web site Leads Sales Market e-Marketing
Electronic presentation of data to support business marketing What is e-Marketing Customer Merchant/ sales Marketing Web Site interest preferences advertisement Marketing statistics advertisement
Electronic exchange of data to support business transaction, i.e., the exchange of value through the delivery of products from a seller to a buyer What is e-Commerce ISP/CSP BankCustomer Merchant / sales On-line Selling stocks, prices, products orders selection advertisement, delays approval / denial payment transaction, authorization request alarms Marketing statistics Merchant partner references
What is e-Business A fundamental change in the way a business operates in reaction to the new opportunities available from Internet technology. Not just a new way to Market; Not Just a new way to Sell; but A new way to operate There are two points of view required to change a business into an e-business: Technical View – what technology exists and how will we use it Business View – how will we fundamentally change the business as a result of this technology
Electronic exchange of data to support complex business rules Most business need workflow with many partners for negotiation, product configuration, scheduling, legal issues... e-Business Sales director Design departmentSalesCustomerMarketing e-Business products configuration, marketing rules reports requirements, whishes, agreement catalog, selection, promotions, arguments agreement, prevision products configuration, arguments, commissions products configuration, technical rules status of opportunities Agreement, promotions Shipping order, prevision status question, requirements Financing organization scoring, agreement
DeliverSell Market Complete e-Business Services Web Site e-Commerce Web Store Online ordering and self care Online payment Channel integration Groupware and Workflow Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Customer Service and Support (CSS) Technology Enabled Sales (TES) Technology Enabled Marketing (TEM) Supply Chain Management (SCM) Business Community Integration (BCI) Supply Chain Execution (SCE) Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) Order fulfillment Order assurance Billing New product launch
Extended Enterprise Nobody can do it all Your suppliers need your knowledge of the market Produce according to orders: downstream procurement Availability to promise, efficient customer response Rely on partners to offer integrated services Financial backing Legal issues, insurance Store management and shipping Get your business partners connected EDI, simpleEDI, XML Get your business partners integrated Integration of collaborative processes (RosettaNet) DeliverSell Market DeliverSell Market DeliverSell Market Extended Enterprise
DeliverSell Market Marketplaces and Hubs e-Business still requires Marketplaces Marketplace Hubs provide collaborative brokering for procurement and selling Horizontal marketplaces bring suppliers together Request for proposal, auction, bulk procurement Vertical marketplaces bring all services in one shop Engineering, product, finance, shipment, insurance... Who are the best candidates Retail company, Internet/Telecom service provider, etc. DeliverSell Market DeliverSell Market Horizontal Marketplace DeliverSell Market DeliverSell Market Customer SuppliersConsumers Vertical Marketplace
Regnet functional architecture
Market place: functionalities Sellers Buyer Domain virtual directory Proposal (unsold) Demand Small advertisement Internet shop Demands grouping Repositories bidding organisation CFP: reverse bidding Auction On-line credit, shipping, collaboration tools, …