Carlo DonzellaStatus Task 2.51 Status of Task 2.5 Carlo Donzella - TINC Barcelona, 28/01/02
Carlo DonzellaStatus Task 2.52 T2.5: Market preparation Task brief First draft: distributed on 16/10/01 AIT requests some reformulation: 29/10/01 IMAC proposes new IR structure: 06/12/01 Second draft: available: 31/12/01 Second draft approved: 29/01/02?
Carlo DonzellaStatus Task 2.53 Objectives (I) To address the user groups identified under T1.7 to inform a wide range of clientele that the REGNET network will be running and delivering services and goods to customers. T1.7 has identified major user groups within: S1) EDUCATION & CULTURE S2) TOURISM & LEISURE S3) NEW MEDIA & PUBLISHING
Carlo DonzellaStatus Task 2.54 Objectives (II) T1.7 has identified the Regional Poles as key to analyse user groups: Swedish University Library (SUL), Consorzio Civita (CC), Instituto Andaluz de Tecnologia (IAT). The revised Task Brief has identified the 1st sector (Education & Culture) as primary market segment to concentrate on
Carlo DonzellaStatus Task 2.55 Revised Description of Work (I) Distribution of promotional material using electronic (list server, etc) or conventional channels. A group of key people in relevant users groups of S1 (Education & Culture) will be selected with the help of the Regional Poles in each of the main regions, and interviewed.
Carlo DonzellaStatus Task 2.56 Revised Description of Work (II) T1.7 identified a tentative list of main requirements. In has to be verified, detailed and broken down into the specific user groups. To this end, IMAC will liaise with SUL; TINC will liaise with CC; ICCS will liaise with AIT.
Carlo DonzellaStatus Task 2.57 Revised Description of Work (III) Regions coverage: IMAC (Germany and Austria); SUL (Scandinavia); TINC (British Islands); CC (Italy); ICCS (Eastern Europe - boundaries TBD); AIT (Iberian peninsula).
Carlo DonzellaStatus Task 2.58 Milestones Revised guidelines for interview - 31/01/02 Mailing lists for user groups in regions - 31/01/02 Twelve interviews (2 per region) - 28/02/02 First version of promotional material - 31/01/02 Revised questionnaire for mass ing - 31/01/02 Revision of promotional material - 31/03/02 Final Interim Report T /03/02
Carlo DonzellaStatus Task 2.59 Methodology Delphi techniques for interviewing key people in identified regions. Questionnaires for mass ing: standard e- marketing techniques will be applied. Desk research for preparation of the promotional material and analysis of the users' feedback. Desk research on public and internal sources for the finalisation of REGNET market engineering.
Carlo DonzellaStatus Task Assignments to involved partners ICCS: Liaise with IAT to carry out planned work in Eastern Europe and Iberian peninsula; IMAC:Liaise with SUL to carry out planned work in Germany, Austria and Scandinavia; TINC: Liaise with CC to carry out planned work in the British Islands and Italy; task coordination; editing of Interim Report.