Status Report for WP 1.1 and WP 1.2 Milestones, Results & Actual Work Josef Herget/Silke Grossmann (IMAC), Vic Haesaerts(TARX) Project Management Group Meeting
2001/09Status of Tasks2 Overview WP 1.1/WP 1.2 Overview about tasks Actual status Next steps The main results of WP 1.1 Concept & goals of WP 1.2 Working on themes Steps to content Main conclusions of last meeting
2001/09Status of Tasks3 Status of WP 1.1/1.2 Audit Content Provider Collections & Themes Data Management Use Cases & Needs Best Practise WP 1.1: State-of-the-Art First Version of IR 1.1 Coordination with WP 1.4, 1.6 Use Cases & Requirements Coordination with WP 1.3 Necessary Working on Themes Digitisation & Documentation Framework & Processes Standards & Guidelines WP 1.2: Content Plans In Progress Florence
2001/09Status of Tasks4 Status of WP 1.1/1.2 Working on Themes Structured Themes & Suggestions of Fragments Florence Content Selection & Preparation Concept of Themes Selection of Themes Edited Version of IR 1.1 & Results of WP 1.2 => D1 Next WP 2.1: Preparation of Contents To put it all together: Next Phase On the basis of selected themes and in the framework of customized digitisation plans
2001/09Status of Tasks5 In Detail: Main Results of WP 1.1 WP 1: State-of-the-Art - The basis of content creation About 10 collections with different object types (Works of visual art, sculptures, photography, design, textiles, books, videos, documents, jewellery, etc.), relevant to various themes. Gruppensprecher Collections Documentation Digitisation Standards Selection ! For most collections catalogues are available: partly just in paper-based form, partly in electronic form (MySQL, MS Access, Domain-specific systems: ADLIB, Museum System, STAR, Libris) Degree of digitisation varies: Big players like ALI could provide a big amount of digitised object, most of the partners did not started digitisation activities or could provide a more or less small selection (on the average some hundred objects) Use of own data structures dependant on object types, Usage of international standards (e.g. MARC, SPECTRUM, ) only in big institutions, own subject classifications schemes or adaptions of international systems (e. g. AAT) Environment: PC-based systems, Windows-based tools, Network connectivity
2001/09Status of Tasks6 In Detail: Concept of WP 1.2 WP 1.2: The concept for digitisation (Work in progress) Identification Selection... Focus: Different Levels of Digitisation (e. g. partly, complete) Models Processes Tools & Confi- guration Best- Practises How-to- Manual Complete new digitisation into REGNET system Configuration Framework Modules needed for digitisation Customized digitisation Plans Module- oriented approach Tools & Configuration Standards Description Format Storage Type TextImageAudio... AMICO... Metadata Indexing... XML... OnlineCDDiscette... Best-Practises Partner Existing methods, tools, experiences... Module 1... Module 2 Module 3Module 4Module 5 Migration of existing digitisation into REGNET system Co-existence between existing digitisation in different systems
2001/09Status of Tasks7 Lists all tasks valid for digitisation projects Describes modules needed for digitisation Allows to convert any individual collection and to build up a digital collection Considers objects related to themes of the thematic approach In Detail: Concept of WP 1.2 The overall goal: A digitisation plan which A cookbook for all digitisation activities (according to the REGNET policies)
2001/09Status of Tasks8 In Detail: Actual Status of WP 1.2 A. Preparation B. Digitisation & Description C. Post- Processing The digitisation process 1. Planning (Collections & Policies) 2. Preparation (Formats & Themes) 3. Framework (Conventions & Standards) 1. Scanning & Storing 2. Describing Presentations in Florence: 1. Theme-based Approach 2. Models for digitisation 3. Starting considerations 4. Processes 5. Best-Practises 6. How-Tos 7. Example for plan Next Definition of To Dos
2001/09Status of Tasks9 The Basis: Description of collections The Result: Theme list & Guidelines In Detail: Working on Themes The concept for themes & evaluation of approaches to be adapted (Topic Maps) Theme Inventory Steps: Preparation of examples & Concrete declarations of contributions and leadership Collection of suggestions
2001/09Status of Tasks10 Indications: Willingness to leadership: 0 not wanted; 1 wanted; 2 strongly wanted; 3 very strongly wanted Contributions / number of objects: M = moderate ( n<100); S = substantial (100>n<1000); G= great (n>1000) The Theme Inventory In Detail: Working on Themes 18 Themes - A selection was necessary
2001/09Status of Tasks11 (v) - confirmed leadership In Detail: Working on Themes
2001/09Status of Tasks12 (v) - confirmed leadership Further suggestion: Bulgarian/East-European art (ICCS) In Detail: Working on Themes
2001/09Status of Tasks13 Coordination with technical development Impacts of theme-approach on technical development Decision about standards & formats to be used (1.3) Merging of work done & derivation of To Dos Points to discuss & Next steps A short report about the last meeting of theme expert group (TARX) What remains...