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TM131: Introduction to the LSNTAP Interactive Tech Survey March 4, 2009 Madhu Lakshmanan, Consultant Eva Reffell, LSNTAP
Please, let us know your questions and comments during the training Maximize/minimize your screen with the chevron symbol Telephone participants need to enter their audio pin Ask a question in the questions log Raise your hand
Ensuring we can hear you Mic & Speakers users should make sure the microphone volume is turned up. You can always switch to telephone at anytime in the training. Ensure that you have not muted yourself Un-mutedMuted
Questions? Raise your hand, please!
Todays training… …is being recorded …will be archived on our website Registered attendees will receive an with a link to this information once it has been posted
Presenters Madhu Lakshmanan Consultant Eva Reffell Project Coordinator, LSNTAP
Todays Presentation Review of the Responses Demo of the Interactive Tech Report
Some highlights from NTAP Tech Surveys of 2008
Background Originally conceived of as a techie directory for the community Now more of a snapshot of where programs are with IT related stuff. Help see what IT choices peer programs made Very complex to do at regular intervals of time
How it was done Two extremely long surveys Admin survey was sent to administrators or directors IT survey was sent to via lists like lstech for a techie in the program to complete. None of the questions were mandatory. 84 responses to admin survey and 72 responses to IT survey. Thank you!
NTAP Tech Surveys Overview Admin Survey Budget IT Priorities Website Tech Training Project Mgmt + Wiki Tech Staff Tech Policies + Plans Software IT Survey Servers Backup Network Hardware Training Communication Web Conferencing Anti Virus
LSC funded Admin Survey 67% IT Survey 68%
No. of programs with dedicated IT budgets in relation to no. of programs in each budget category
IT Budget Hardware ranges from 1% to 50% Software ranges from 1% to 30% Training ranges from 0% to 6% Outside consulting/contracts 1% to 27.5% Communications 0.2% to 1%
Other observations Consistently and overwhelmingly, hardware and personnel make up the majority of the IT budget. Where the personnel budget % is low, it is usually made up in the category of Outside consulting/support contracts. Training is consistently the lowest portion of the IT budget and seems to trend with the personnel budget.
Top 10 IT Wish list Word Capabilities Improvement VOIP Video Conferencing Virtualization Hardware Upgrade (Systems, desktops) Document Assembly Sharepoint Improve Website Wireless Exchange/Fax Server/
Add you to an Directory ? Would you like to add your name to a contact list who people in the legal services community may for technical assistance?
44% of programs have tech plans
Tech Plan Components
Tech Policy Topics
78% Annually review computer and Internet use policies
Training Frequency On average, how many times a year does your non-IT staff receive some computer-related training?
63% Have Orientation Materials for New Users Does your program have written orientation materials for new users regarding computer usage (How-To documents) or policies?
Trainings for Non-IT Staff This Year
Trainings Most Needed
IT Survey Training Needs Exchange Server, Cisco Router, SQL Networking, Networking, Project Management,Time Management,Crystal Reports Security, OSX Server, Linux, SNMP Web Development, Acrobat, Photoshop, HTML, Sharepoint Document Assembly programming Citrix, SQL Network Administration Adobe Acrobat,Office 2007, Windows Vista Virtual Server (VMWare) setup Database training Hot Docs, Server maintenance, Active Directory SharePoint Virtualization
Some more tidbits
Purposes of Wikis 31% report having a wiki
46% Using HotDocs
VOIP 7 more are considering getting VOIP in the next year which would make this a split
Web Conferencing Uses
So.. There is so much diversity and variety in each facet of what our community has and does. It is almost impossible to cluster this information. Search rather than summarize would be more useful.
The Interactive Tech Report Quick access to the responses for the Tech and Admin Surveys Madhu was just talking about. Temporary home: ntapsurvey.lsntap.orgntapsurvey.lsntap.org Good tool to get a sense of tech adoption in the community.
The Interactive Tech Report What does it do? Access information about tech in other programs Viewable via search filters and sorting Upload or update information from your own organization Rate products, add new products to rate, and see the ratings of your peers Preserve confidentiality
The Interactive Tech Report Todays Demo Simple search, sorting and filters Individual records Product ratings How you can participate
The Interactive Tech Report Still in development: Exporting data Linking product pages to the survey records for all the products mentioned in the surveys Devising better browsing for the Product Review page. Matching the design to the upcoming new NTAP website
The Interactive Tech Report
NTAP looks forward to your participation in the ongoing Tech Report Product Ratings Product Reviews New program responses Updated program responses For reference, see How to Participate: Well let you know when the site goes live in April 2009!
THANK YOU Dont forget to complete our survey Madhu Lakshmanan Consultant Eva Reffell Project Coordinator