The American Nation In the Modern Era 4/22/2017 Chapter 3 THE CIVIL WAR Section 1: The Union Dissolves Section 2: The North and South Face Off Section 3: Fighting the War Section 4: The Final Phase CHAPTER 3--THE CIVIL WAR
Objectives: Section 1: The Union Dissolves What attempts were made to compromise with the secessionists? How did the fall of Fort Sumter affect the relationship between the Union and the Confederacy? What advantages did each side possess at the beginning of the war? What were the consequences of the First Battle of Bull Run?
The fall of Fort Sumter Section 1: The Union Dissolves The South was judged to be in a state of rebellion after the fort’s fall.
Northern advantages Southern advantages Section 1: The Union Dissolves larger population greater industrial resources more railroad lines possession of the U.S. Navy Southern advantages would be fighting a defensive war excellent military leaders
The First Battle of Bull Run Section 1: The Union Dissolves The First Battle of Bull Run led to overconfidence of Confederates shocked the North made all realize that the war would not be short training and planning emphasized