February Extended Project Group Meeting Working Sessions Practical planning Session I: Thursday, 16: :30 Session II: Friday, 9: :30 Session III: Friday, 11: :30
February Extended Project Group Meeting SWOT Document(s) SWOT Document(s) Open To Dos Others (Product Development) Working Sessions (Tasks) (Re)Check the tools (new versions) - Testing! Report actual status: Solved/unsolved, remaining weaknesses - specific strengths? Work on necessary improvements - How to overcome the weaknesses? Very concrete! No fixed questionnaires Define different user groups (data entry) REGNET vs. Collection Management Systems Internationalisation Define occurrence types/styles, nd version
February Extended Project Group Meeting Working Sessions (Tasks) SWOT 4XML-Editing 4Online Administration 4Comprehensive AdvantagesDisadvantages I. Data Generation/Management 4User Interface 4Integration (e-Shop) 4Import/Export 4User Levels 4Data Entry - Thematic Texts To Dos X Improvements Interface X User groups/interfaces X REGNET vs. CMS
February Extended Project Group Meeting Working Sessions (Tasks) SWOT 4Interface 4Multilinguality 4Basic functions covered AdvantagesDisadvantages II. E-Business Tools 4No integration 4Too slow (Shop) 4Not all functions implemented 4Missing standards 4No product information III. E-Publishing 4State-of-the-Art 4Attractiveness AdvantagesDisadvantages 4No integration 4Missing business models 4Added value? 4Costs
February Extended Project Group Meeting Working Sessions (Tasks) SWOT 4User-friendly 4Customisation AdvantagesDisadvantages IV. Portal 4No integration 4Multilinguality! 4Help functions 4Links missing 4Static site(s) V. Topic Maps 4Impressive 4High potentials AdvantagesDisadvantages 4Not-user friendly 4Missing guidelines 4Goals? To Dos X Free vs. Fee
February Extended Project Group Meeting Working Sessions (Tasks) Tool URLs Issues - Solved & Unsolved - Remaining weaknesses - Improvements -... Reporting Portal jetspeed/index.jsp E-Business Topic Maps net.ontology.XTMLoader (?) Data Entry Portal jetspeed/index.jsp E-Business Topic Maps net.ontology.XTMLoader (?) Data Entry To be updated/completed