EHDI Systems and the Medical Home Carlos Quezada-Gomez, PsyD National Center of Medical Home Initiatives for Children with Special Needs American Academy of Pediatrics
What Is a Medical Home?
A Medical Home ensures that: Care is accessible family-centered comprehensive continuous coordinated compassionate culturally effective Primary care physicians serve as the medical home. A pediatric sub-specialist may be appropriate in complex cases.
Accessible Philosophically Efforts made to meet needs of all patients and families Geographically Care is provided in the childs community Financially All insurance, including Medicaid, is accepted and changes are accommodated
Family-centered Family is the principal caregiver and the center of strength and support for children Parents are experts on their own children and are a source of essential information Unbiased and complete information is shared on an ongoing basis Recognition that:
Continuous Same primary health care professionals are available from infancy through adolescence Primary care physician assists with transitions - Hospital to home - Home to school - School to job or independent living - Primary to secondary to tertiary medical care
Comprehensive Preventive and primary care is provided As part of coordinating the childs care makes contacts with all other providers, including audiologist, otolaryngologist, therapists, EI, & school discusses needs for respite care, equipment, transportation, etc. provides information on Title V, SSI, SCHIP assesses emotional, educational & health status at each visit provides written information on relevant issues and support groups
Coordinated Makes referrals (and assists with setting up appointments) to sub-specialists as needed, including mental health Families are linked to appropriate support, educational, and community-based services Information from other service providers is centralized Primary Care Physician communicates effectively and collaborates with all service providers on plan for childs care l Participates in the IFSP or IEP by phone, letter, or in person
Compassionate Gets to know the family & has a comfortable relationship Makes an effort to understand the familys needs Concern for well-being of child and family is expressed and demonstrated Families values, beliefs, and behaviors are respected
Culturally Effective Uses interpreters where appropriate (including sign language) Has materials translated into the families primary language Attempts to understand families beliefs and customs
Shared Responsibility Accepts responsibility for services rendered Maximizes quality while minimizing cost Ensures that all needed services are delivered and avoids duplication
EHDI and the Medical Home Parent Groups Mental Health Birthing Hospital Audiology Primary Provider Child/Family ENT Genetics Early Intervention Programs 3rd Party Payers Deaf Community Services for Hearing Loss
Addressing Medical Home Issues in Your Grant Application Identify references in Application Guidance –MCHB Core Outcomes (p. 2) –Requirements for Narrative (p. 13) –Purpose of funding program (p. 20) –Review criteria (pp ) Demonstrate your familiarity with the issues involved in linking EHDI with Medical Homes Describe your plan for addressing the above issues Link your plan to the evaluation procedures
Strategies to Link Screening to Medical Home Identification of Medical Home provider prior to screening Seamless transfer of results to the medical home Involvement of primary care physicians in EHDI advisory groups
The National Center of Medical Home Initiatives for Children with Special Needs Phone: 800/ , ext 7081 Fax: 847/ For More Information:
Technical Assistance Sunnah Kim Manager, Screening Initiatives phone: 847/ Amy Gibson Manager, Technical Assistance phone: 847/
National Center of Medical Home Initiatives for Children with Special Needs ( ) American Academy of Pediatrics
Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Division of Children with Special Health Care Needs
National Center Projects General Newborn Screening Recommendations Project Universal Preschool Vision Screening Medical Home Training Program Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Technical Assistance
Universal Newborn Hearing Screening An AAP Task Force on Newborn and Infant Hearing was convened in Spring 1998 Developed a policy statement endorsing universal newborn hearing screening in 1999 AAP has 2 delegates to the Joint Committee on Infant Hearing AAP endorsed the Year 2000 JCIH Position Statement
Technical Assistance Specialized TA provided to help link screening to medical home Provided by National Center staff to all who are involved in community-based initiatives to ensure children with special needs have access to a medical home Mentoring program