Iowa EHDI: Enrolling children in appropriate early intervention Lenore Holte, Ph.D., CCC-A Center for Disabilities and Development University of Iowa
Snapshot of IAEHDI 37,000 births per year 93 birthing hospitals 3 Level III perinatal centers voluntary screening programs in hospitals responsible for 99% of births about 93% of babies in these hospitals screened in diagnostic centers, including one in Nebraska
Iowas Area Education Agencies (AEAs) Primary providers of early intervention services to hearing-impaired children of all ages 15 independent regions, numbered 1 through 16 Grew out of Joint County School Systems Established in 1975 by Iowa state legislature Provide services to member school districts in media and technology support, staff development, curriculum development, and special education Local school districts elect members to the AEA Board of Directors IDEA, Part B and Part C funds
Iowas Area Education Agencies (AEAs) Each AEA has a hearing conservation team with; 1 to 11 audiologists 2 to 7 audiometrists 2 to 14 teachers of the hearing-impaired up to 20 interpreters SKI- HI training Since 1994, over 100 professionals have received SKI-HI training Iowa School for the Deaf, Council Bluffs
Iowa Early ACCESS (IDEA, Part C) Early ACCESS is Iowas federal program under The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part C. Collaborative system between IDPH, IDE, IDHS, and CHSC (Title V, CSHCN) Coordination of early intervention services One Early ACCESS coordinator in each Early ACCESS region. Regions overlap AEAs. Coordinators develop IFSPs.
AEA audiologists provide rescreens of babies who fail the birth admission screen referral to diagnostic centers referral to AEA early intervention services follow-up behavioral testing fitting and monitoring of amplification counseling regarding communication methodologies
Who Can Use Early ACCESS? Any Iowa infant or toddler, (0-3) Have a 25% delay in one or more areas of development OR have a known condition that has a high probability of resulting in a later delay in development.
University of Iowa: Family treatment weekends At Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing Center Training of audiology graduate students Training of parents Professional continuing education