Eating Disorders 90% of e.d. folks are adolescent/young women. Anorexia Nervosa—marked by extreme thinness (<85% healthy weight), obsessional thinking, food phobia, poor self- esteem, exercise, dangerous physical effects. Distorted body perception. no treatments are highly successful. Bulimia Nervosa—marked by binge eating, perceived loss of control over eating and compensatory behaviors—vomiting, laxative use, fasting, exercise. More impulsive than A.N. (obsessive) better success at treatment especially meds + cognitive behavioral intervention
Stress, Coping, and Maladaptive Behavior main topic: interaction of person under stress prior to Freud, Descartes’ view of mind separate from body dominated. Freud postulated ‘hysteria’-bodily manifestations of emotional traumas. Psychic trauma is converted to physical symptoms (conversion hysteria) often in the form of blindness, deafness, loss of limb function, etc. Chronic pain– 65 million americans (arthritis, back pain, headaches). often leads to depression, secondary gain. copers seem to create more internal pain killers (endogenous opioids).
Type A- hard driving and intense approach to life/work. linked to heart disease but may be a more narrow aspect such as hostility, cynicism and/or anger (high reactivity uncontrollable stress– strongly related to health (cancer, heart disease, etc.). consider your career choice carefully. Cancer—difficulty handling emotions associated with increased of various diseases. emotional expression/support may be beneficial (e.g., study finding that group therapy lengthened life of women with late stage breast cancer).
personal and situational variables are involved in stress response (biopsychosocial model) context: frustrations, conflicts, & pressures individuals differ in their perception of coping capacity Stress and Coping—coping skills (akin to defense mechanisms but more ‘in the world’) Goals of coping: master, overcome, sidestep/avoid, understand, resolve problem (more inclusive than defense m.) people can learn to cope vicariously (watching others, reading, tv, therapy). task oriented coping—focus on changing self and/or surroundings.
somatoform disorders - diagnoses: somatization disorder, conversion disorder, hypochondriasis, body dysmorphic disorder, pain disorder. frequent complaints: e.g., headaches, fatigue, heart palpitations, fainting spells, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, bowel trouble, allergies, menstrual and sexual problems. immature, overexcitable, superficial social relations, self- centered. somatization disorder—symptoms: pain, gastrointestinal, sexual/reproductive, pseudoneurological (conversion). unnecessary surgeries common conversion- lost function, la belle indifference (hysteria) hypochondriasis- preoccupation with illness/health status Body dysmorphic disorder- imaged body defect