Outreach to Physicians Project Ohio Dept. of Health with Delta Zeta Penny Baker, Ohio Sound Beginnings Coordinator Constance Block, Ohio Dept. of Health / EHDI Sondra King, Ohio UNHS Advisory Committee Susan Wiley, MD, Ohio AAP Chapter Champion
2 Delta Zeta and National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management NCHAM / Delta Zeta (DZ) National Sorority projectNCHAM / Delta Zeta (DZ) National Sorority project Focus: Increase awareness about universal newborn hearing screening (UNHS)Focus: Increase awareness about universal newborn hearing screening (UNHS) Developed materials and program guidelinesDeveloped materials and program guidelines Intent: have sorority women provide literature to daycares, WIC clinicsIntent: have sorority women provide literature to daycares, WIC clinics
3 Delta Zeta National Sorority has long-standing philanthropic effort targeted to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearingNational Sorority has long-standing philanthropic effort targeted to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing Raised funds for Gallaudet UniversityRaised funds for Gallaudet University All local sorority philanthropic activities follow national sorority guidelinesAll local sorority philanthropic activities follow national sorority guidelines DZ chapters located at 11 Ohio colleges and universitiesDZ chapters located at 11 Ohio colleges and universities
4 Ohio UNHS UNHS in Ohio - fully implemented by July 1 st, 2004UNHS in Ohio - fully implemented by July 1 st, 2004 Regional Infant Hearing Programs follow-up on infants not passing UNHS and provide home-based services for children identified with permanent hearing loss (under Part C)Regional Infant Hearing Programs follow-up on infants not passing UNHS and provide home-based services for children identified with permanent hearing loss (under Part C) Notable problem with physicians not understanding importance of diagnostic evaluations after refer results in newborn periodNotable problem with physicians not understanding importance of diagnostic evaluations after refer results in newborn period
5 Sound Beginnings for Ohio Target Audience: Primary Care Providers (PCP) with recent newborn in practice who did not pass the newborn hearing screenTarget Audience: Primary Care Providers (PCP) with recent newborn in practice who did not pass the newborn hearing screen just in time concept just in time concept Physicians play a key role in tracking and follow-up of infants screened by UNHSPhysicians play a key role in tracking and follow-up of infants screened by UNHS
6 Rationale Some physicians/providers not referring infants for diagnostic evaluationsSome physicians/providers not referring infants for diagnostic evaluations Need to know appropriate next stepsNeed to know appropriate next steps Need awareness of UNHS local resourcesNeed awareness of UNHS local resources
7 Ohio Sound Beginnings Parent representative on UNHS advisory committee is a DZ alumnaParent representative on UNHS advisory committee is a DZ alumna Phone conference call with Ohio Sound Beginnings CoordinatorPhone conference call with Ohio Sound Beginnings Coordinator Discussed adapting program for Ohios needsDiscussed adapting program for Ohios needs
8 Start-Up Phase Training sessions for DZ philanthropy chairs (1-2 per sorority)Training sessions for DZ philanthropy chairs (1-2 per sorority) Components of Training:Components of Training: –Background on UNHS in Ohio –Review of materials (videos, medical home charts, brochures) –Process for sorority activities
9 Process Identified primary care group practices within short drive of DZ campusesIdentified primary care group practices within short drive of DZ campuses Step-by-step process: call office to schedule appointment, deliver materials, follow-up callStep-by-step process: call office to schedule appointment, deliver materials, follow-up call Scripts created for phone contacts with officesScripts created for phone contacts with offices Standard log for contacts and resultsStandard log for contacts and results Overview sheet listed three partner entities at topOverview sheet listed three partner entities at top
10 Successes young woman learn about EHDI in Ohio each year as philanthropy chairs update the entire sorority young woman learn about EHDI in Ohio each year as philanthropy chairs update the entire sorority Some primary care practice offices responded well:Some primary care practice offices responded well: –supportive and eager for materials –posted charts –giving parents brochures –showing parent and physician videos
11 Successes Life skills learning for college studentsLife skills learning for college students –cold calling physician offices –visiting medical professionals personally Focus change:Focus change: -- from raising money for a cause -- from raising money for a cause -- to grass roots advocacy -- to grass roots advocacy
12 Challenges: Sororities Chapter effectiveness largely depends on continuity of philanthropy chair and the persistence of people working on projectChapter effectiveness largely depends on continuity of philanthropy chair and the persistence of people working on project Academic calendar = short time frames for activitiesAcademic calendar = short time frames for activities Cyclical rotation of philanthropy chairCyclical rotation of philanthropy chair
13 Challenges: PCP Getting through to the office managers was very difficultGetting through to the office managers was very difficult - answering machines/services - no response to multiple messages Primary Care Provider name and contact information on UNHS reporting forms not always accuratePrimary Care Provider name and contact information on UNHS reporting forms not always accurate
14 Adjusting the Plan Have DZ women call PCP only to verify office hours and location (not to set up time to visit)Have DZ women call PCP only to verify office hours and location (not to set up time to visit) Arrive with sample materials, without an appointment; offer to deliver more after doctors and staff view them and decide what they needArrive with sample materials, without an appointment; offer to deliver more after doctors and staff view them and decide what they need
15 Adjusting the Plan Suggest responsibility for project be shared by co-chairs or group rather than one philanthropy chairSuggest responsibility for project be shared by co-chairs or group rather than one philanthropy chair Current philanthropy chairs participate in training of new persons working on projectCurrent philanthropy chairs participate in training of new persons working on project Encourage DZ chapter advisors to attend trainings and assist with continuityEncourage DZ chapter advisors to attend trainings and assist with continuity
16 Conclusion Overall, outcomes validate the effort involvedOverall, outcomes validate the effort involved in this project Patience and perseverance are keys in a collaborative effort such as thisPatience and perseverance are keys in a collaborative effort such as this
17 Contacts for Information: Penny Baker – Baker – Connie Block – Block – Sondra King – King – Susan Wiley, M.D. – Wiley, M.D. –