DOCUMENT #:GSC15-PLEN-22r2 FOR:Presentation SOURCE:TIA AGENDA ITEM:6.2 CONTACT(S): Jane Brownley John Oblak Emergency Communications Jane Brownley, Chair TR-45 John Oblak, Chair TR-8 Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) GSC-15
Overview TIA continues to work on this important HIS area, in all four legs of the GSC framework for “Emergency Communications” Individuals-to-Individuals also known as Citizen-to-Citizen, Employer-to-Employee, etc. Individuals-to-Government or Authorities, such as calls to PSAPs, 9-1-1, etc. Government-to-Individuals, such as Alerts and Warnings, Evacuation Orders, etc. Government-to-Government or Authority-to-Authority, e.g., Project 25 (P25), TETRA, MESA, etc. This framework has served our Sector well since it was adopted by GSC
TIA’s Activities on 700 MHz While TIA has not taken a position on whether to give the D Block to public safety or auction it commercially, TIA has long supported the swift deployment of an interoperable broadband public safety network. TIA has meet with the FCC and filed comments urging the adoption of rules that will ensure the technical and economic viability of a public safety network. TIA regularly meets with public safety, including PSST (Public Safety Spectrum Trust) and APCO (Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials), to coordinate and learn of their priorities. TIA has also provided technical expertise to the FCC’s Emergency Response Interoperability Center on public safety network priority access and roaming for the 700 MHz public safety band waiver grantees and the overall public safety network.
TIA’s Activities on 700 MHz (cont) TIA has filed comments on technical requirements for public safety entities seeking to build interoperable networks, urging that technology- neutral rules that ensure seamless interoperability among public safety networks. We strongly support the President’s goal of ensuring that future spectrum auction proceeds are directed to building a nationwide interoperable broadband public safety network; we are working with the White House, FCC Commissioners, the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, and key Members of Congress to achieve this goal.
Highlight of TR-8 Activities TIA, through the TR-8 committee on Private Land Mobile Radio, develops standards for Emergency Communications in several areas: Maintains standards for existing analog (Frequency Modulated) radio systems Develops and maintains a suite of standards for Project 25, a digital radio system targeted at Public Safety and Disaster Relief Develops and maintains standards and bulletins relating to radio propagation, interference, and frequency coordination Develops standards and bulletins relating to wideband and broadband radio systems for Public Safety and Disaster Relief applications
Highlight of Current Activities TR-8 develops standards for Project 25 digital radio systems (TIA-102 series of standards) Standards suite consists of 64 documents covering topics such as Over-the-air interface Services such as Trunking, Encryption, Data Transport, Over- the-Air Rekeying (OTAR) Fixed network interfaces such as Inter-Sub-System Interface, Console Interface, Fixed Station Interface Network Management Telephone Interface Key Management Facility (KMF) Interface Compliance Assessment Testing Phase II 2-slot TDMA trunking systems 6
Highlight of Current Activities Continued maintenance of analog FM standards TIA-603-D Standard for analog FM or PM Transceivers Standards for Wireless Communications Systems Propagation, Interference, and Frequency Coordination TSB 88 series of bulletins Consists of 3 bulletins on Performance Modeling, Propagation and Noise, and Performance Verification Additional work focuses on Broadband Data Systems Documents on Antenna Systems Five standards published on Fixed, Vehicular, and Portable Antennas, along with standards for Digitized Performance Characterization Documents relating to Electro-Magnetic Emission Safety (EME) measurement and reporting
Highlight of Current Activities Standards for wideband and broadband data TIA-902 series of standards for wideband data systems in the 50 to 150 kHz bandwidth TSB-1065 relating to Public Safety Use of Broadband Data Systems
Highlight of TR-45 Activities TR-45 does work to support Government-to- Government, CMAS, and Wireless Priority Services completed work on the Emergency Services for Femto specification continues to actively partner with ATIS WTSC developing joint standards for CMAS working with 3GPP2 on the requirements and network support for Multimedia Priority Services working with 3GPP2 on a Call Back to an Emergency Call Origination capability 9
10 Commercial Mobile Alert Service (CMAS) Background: The “Warning, Alert, and Response Network” Act Signed into law on October 13, 2006 Sets in motion the planning for “Commercial Mobile Service” Providers to “voluntarily” send emergency alerts to their subscribers “Commercial Mobile Service Providers” are considered to be cellular and paging companies. Only the service is discussed – technology choices are not specified Thus, Sub-Committees developing these standards have the option of choosing a specific technology This work is Regional [US based] Joint development activity between TR-45 [TR-45.5 and TR-45.8] and ATIS to develop CMAS-related specifications common to both groups Core Standards for 1x cdma2000® 1 CMAS air interface documents have completed development and published. C Interface test specification is in development in cdma2000® is the trademark for the technical nomenclature for certain specifications and standards of the Organizational Partners (OPs) of 3GPP2. Geographically (and as of the date of publication), cdma2000® is a registered trademark of the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA-USA) in the United States.
11 Commercial Mobile Alert Service (CMAS) CMAS Reference Architecture for CDMA
12 Commercial Mobile Alert Service (CMAS) CMAS Reference Architecture for CDMA The applicable network entities are represented by squares. The applicable reference points of the CDMA wireless network reference model are represented by circles and are defined in the TIA Wireless Network Reference Model; The ‘C’ and ‘E’ reference points are defined in the Commercial Mobile Alert Service Architecture and Requirements Version 1.0, FCC Commercial Mobile Service Alert Advisory Committee. The reference architecture, as defined herein, is intended to provide a level of abstraction that may facilitate the specification of messages and protocols within.
13 E911 and Priority Services Support of granting priority access to cdma2000 services to a government related special class of users. Support identification of emergency calls originated by the mobile station. This indication is passed to the network. Support Multimedia Priority Services for 1x and HRPD
14 Location Continued evolution of location based services Significant updates to Position Location documents, which enhances availability of location based services, e.g., E911. Completing test specifications commences with major position location updates. Improved protocols and procedures to enable mobile station based Advance Forward Link Trilateration (AFLT) for 1x, HRPD, and UMB technologies.
15 Location More general support for Global Navigation Satellite Systems in addition to GPS, including GLONASS Galileo Quazi-Zenith Satellite Systems (QZSS) Compass/BeiDou The protocols can also be extended to systems not yet defined. Support for Satellite Based Augmentation Systems American Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) European Geostationary 28 Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) Indian GPS Aided GEO Augmented Navigation Systems (GAGAN) 29 and Japanese Multi-functional Satellite Augmentation Systems (MSAS)
Strategic Direction Continue joint development of the C-Interface Test specification in support of Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS) Ongoing support for Multimedia Priority Services and Enhanced Service 16
Next Steps/Actions Continuing cooperation among all PSOs and groups working on Emergency Communications. 17
Summary Contributions from ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, ITU, and TIA Highlights Focus on architectures, services, and functional capabilities for standardization requirements in various emergency circumstances and environments. Areas of standardization include satellite emergency communications, land to sky, emergency SMS, disaster recovery, citizen-to-authority (E911, NOVES), authority-to-citizen (EAS, CMAS, ENS), authority-to-authority (ETS), automated calls to emergency services, wireless and multimedia priority services, emergency services for femto, position location. Regional regulatory requirements and mandates in coordination with global directions. Next Steps Continue to develop new standards and make revisions to existing standards. Continue to support the various public safety needs and regulations including non-voice emergency services, public warning research, sensor monitoring, unified IMS, priority call in public communications, call forwarding and referral of emergency calls and RRS-based public safety communications infrastructure. Continue cross-organizational coordination, collaboration, and liaisons. Recommendation Reaffirm the existing Resolution GSC-14/02 Retain HIS for GSC-16 18
Supplementary Slides 19
Recent TR-45 Standards for Emergency Services Recently completed Standards ANSI/J-STD-036-C, “Enhanced Wireless Phase II” TIA-1191, “Callback to an Emergency Call Origination Stage 1 Requirements” 20