INTRODUCTION Who am I ? Who are you ? Facilities Two Way Exchange
COURSE CONTENT Brief Overview on COSCAP Brief Overview on ICAO Manual of Procedures for Operations Inspection, Certification and Continued Surveillance (ICAO Doc. 8335) COSCAP Generic Flight Operations Inspector Manual
COSCAP MANUAL OF AIR OPERATOR CERTIFICATION, ADMINISTRATION, AND SURVEILLANCE Vol. 1 Certification - Pre-application, Application, Preliminary Assessment, Operational Inspections, AOC/Ops. Specs Vol. 2 Air Operator Administration - Check Airman, Demonstrations, Leases, New Aircraft Type and Training Program Vol. 3 Surveillance - Base Inspections, Manual, Training Program, Records, Enroute, Station, Proficiency Checks
INSPECTOR QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS A broad air transport background of five years or more; Experience with the problems of operating or maintaining transport aircraft; Meteorological and climatological knowledge and experience ; Experience in technical training including visual aids, training devices and aircraft flight simulators; and Reputation for possessing qualities of initiative, tact, tolerance and patience
DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Conduct routine inspections; Conduct surveillance; Advise the operator of deficiency; Submit reports on each inspection or investigation; Investigate and report possible violations. Continuously review operator’s pertinent documentation; and Keep CAA Inspectorate informed on current operation and projected developments in the company.
PERSONAL ETHICS AND CONDUCT On - The - Job Render full and industrious service Exercise courtesy and tact Conserve and protect CAA property and equipment Safeguard information Observe various laws, rules, regulations, and instructions Uphold with integrity the public trust Report known or suspected violations Not engage in private activities for personal gain Not use illicit drugs or abuse alcohol Not make irresponsible, false or defamatory statements Contd
PERSONAL ETHICS AND CONDUCT Off - The - Job General Subversive Activity Striking Meeting Financial Obligations Inaugural Flight and Ceremonial Events Contd
PERSONAL ETHICS AND CONDUCT OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT Business Interests Conflict of Interest Public Speaking Fund Raising and Gifts