EN ROUTE COCKPIT INSPECTIONS INTERNAL ELEMENTS Crewmembers Operator manuals and checklists Use of MELs and CDLs Operational Control Functions Safe operating practices Crew co-ordination/cockpit resource management Cabin Safety and aircraft condition Training Program effectiveness
EN ROUTE COCKPIT INSPECTIONS EXTERNAL ELEMENTS Airport surfaces areas Ramp/gate activities Aircraft and vehicle movements ATC procedures and airways facilities Communications IAP, SIDs and STARs
PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES Inspector familiar with operating procedures and facilities Procedures for the use of jumpseat Conflict with other checks Meet crew in dispatch if possible Present credentials Wear a headset - do not distract the crew Checklists
ENROUTE CABIN INSPECTIONS Four cabin inspections annually per type Inspectors attend cabin training courses Aircraft Equipment inspection Crewmember inspection Flight conduct
PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES Prior arrangements and board early Brief Captain and incharge If time interview flight attendant Inspect equipment before or after flight Checklist