The Green Customs Initiative GREEN CUSTOMS: Nationalisation/sustainability customs roundtable recommendations and action points
The Green Customs Initiative 2 Recommendations/actions National Training One recommended approach for the national training is that it should also be targeted at train the trainers level to allow it to cascade through customs GCI will arrange with CCLEC how material on GCI and the Partners can be provided to CCLEC to produce a training package (module) CCLEC and Caricom will look into and initiate an MOU on harmonisation of training GCI will work with WCO and CCLEC to ensure access to WCO e-learning is widely available Those present will contact their national training officer (or HR dept.) to discuss the incorporation of GCI at the national level
The Green Customs Initiative 3 Recommendations/actions Materials GCI will collate all relevant material into a toolbox to provide for national trainings (Jamaica will provide its toolbox on Basel training as an example) Additional tools requested Quick identification guides for customs for all commodities covered under GCI Training materials need to include/embrace the fact that electronic permitting is a reality Posters and flyers (badges and other items) for customs officers to raise profile of GCI
The Green Customs Initiative 4 Recommendations/actions Communication GCI will work with WCO and CCLEC to ensure access to WCO information/intelligence exchange mechanisms are widely available (e.g ENVIRONET, CEN COMM) The MEA designated national authorities/focal points are recognised to be of vital importance in successful national training. These will be contacted by customs to start to involve them in the training process. (GCI and the respective Secretariats will assist in identification of the relevant persons, as appropriate, to facilitate the cooperation) It was suggested that a regional electronic forum would be useful to exchange information etc with customs colleagues.
The Green Customs Initiative 5 Recommendations/actions Outreach GCI will provide video and briefing note for the CCLEC AGM Brussels (May 2011) GCI to consider posters, flyers and other awareness raising items
The Green Customs Initiative 6 Recommendations/actions Funding WCO will be asked to provide details of how national/regional training is requested It was recomended that Antigua and Barbuda submit a SIACM project and act as the pilot country (GCI/UNEP/SAICM regional focal point/Secretariats would assist) Other GCI is developing a Green Customs award/recognition certificate scheme to acknowledge customs authorities that have incorporated GCI in their national curricula. Some countries would like to receive a letter to the head of customs from WCO SG to inform about GCI