1 Reporting April 2006
2 Safety Policy Regulator Service Provider Service Provider Service Provider Regulator to established SRF to harmonize reporting from all service providers
3 Why Reporting? Systematic visibility of safety occurrences Identification of appropriate corrective actions Possible improvement of Flight Safety through changes to the ATM System
4 Aim of Reporting System To obtain in-depth knowledge Consistency in data collection Availability of data
5 Areas to cover All occurrences involving or affecting only civilian aircrafts All occurrences where civil ATS is providing service to civil and/or military aircrafts All occurrences where military ATS and/or Air Defence is providing service to civil aircrafts
6 What to achieve? Monitor Safety Performance Monitor trends over time Identify key risk areas where the ATM system could contribute to safety improvement (=> Corrective Actions) Analyse the ATM system contribution Expectations vs. Actual Performance of changes to ATM system
7 Requirements to Reporting Sys. Provisions exist for any person or organisation in the aviation industry to report any occurrence or situation in which he/she was involved, or witnessed, and which he/she believed posed a potential threat to flight safety or compromised the ability to provide safe ATM services.
8 Other Requirements Encouragement to report Use of any means Relevant data be adequately identified Data be secured, recorded and stored Ensure quality and confidentiality of data Define Severity Classification Scheme
9 Assessment of Reports I Investigation or assessment by a team with the necessary expertise Immediately initiated Necessary remedial actions taken Determine severity of occurrence Risk posed by occurrence Results recorded
10 Assessment of Report II Causes of occurrences analysed Safety recommendations and corrective actions developed Monitor implementation of corrective actions Lesson dissemination throughout the organisation
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