COSCAP-South Asia Review of Audit Results Briefing on the Preparation, Conduct and Reporting of an ICAO Safety Oversight Audit Module 2
May This module is to provide the participants briefly with the results of safety oversight audits conducted under the comprehensive systems approach. Module objective
May Outline Areas of concern identified during CSA audits The results of safety oversight audits conducted under the comprehensive systems approach
May Areas of concern identified during CSA audits Introduction of SARPs in legal framework Incorporation of Annex amendments and notification of differences Oversight of delegated tasks Establishment of staff qualifications and experience and development of training programmes Coordination amongst entities responsible for safety oversight Separation of the regulatory and service provision functions
May Accident Rate Versus Critical Element
May ICAO Audit USOAP Results - India ICAO Audit Of India Finds Fault With Safety, Training Of India ICAO told India that it was below world averages on primary aviation legislation, safety oversight of airlines and the qualifications and training of its technical personnel Much of ICAOs report focuses on inadequate staffing levels to properly oversee Indias rapidly expanding commercial aircraft market. No defined training program has been set for technical personnel performing safety oversight.
May ICAO Audit USOAP Results - Australia Australia in danger of losing its aviation safety rating Deficiencies in air safety in Australia have been uncovered in an audit by ICAO, This report will be posted after a draft version is circulated to and discussed with the Federal government and the safety bodies with ICAO having the last word over as to its contents or conclusions. A spokesperson for CASA confirmed that the debriefing identified areas where Australia doesnt conform to the various rules or annexes of ICAO but declined to give specifics. Republic of Korea 100 % of compliant with all SARPS
SIGNIFICANT SAFETY CONCERNS (SSC) 11 States out of 136 Audited States have SSC They are published in the Web Most of the States are in Africa Bangladesh and Nepal added to the List recently Bangladesh Nepal Almost all SSC have been raised based on CE-6 If a SSC is raised, Corrective Action Plan would be accepted only if the wrong doing or not doing is immediately addressed or corrected. (suspension of operations or cancellation of licenses etc) SSC will lead to Bans/Restrictions being imposed by other States May
May Review Areas of concern identified during CSA audits The results of safety oversight audits conducted under the comprehensive systems approach
Thank you! COSCAP-South Asia