Using evidence for change in Latin America Mary Ellsberg, Ph.D. Senior Advisor for Gender, Violence and Human Rights
Recent progress in policy environment on GBV Evidence based advocacy Inter-American Alliance for GBV Prevention and Health
What have we achieved? Improved legal framework: Belén do Pará Convention National laws on domestic and sexual violence (restraining orders, marital rape, sanctions for offenders)
Policies and programs National Commissions and Plans against Violence Health sector policies and protocols
The role of the womens movement Services for survivors National and regional networks (example Nica DV law,CLADEM) Advocacy campaigns (16 days)
Evidence for policy: Prevalence studies on violence
You have to know just how to beat your wife…you need to use the flat part of the machete, and do it where it doesnt show Evidence for policy – Getting the message to the right audience…
Legal and policy reform is only the first step! Gaps and contradictions Low enforcement Lack of funding Lack of knowledge about laws and services Attitudes of providers / police/ judges
I think if a man beats his wife he should go to jail, but so should she, for putting up with the abuse and setting a bad example for her husband.
PAHO review of 7 countries found: Small pilot projects Lack of follow-up after training Emphasis on services, not prevention Problems with surveillance and monitoring Lots of duplication; not enough shared learning
Grew out of experiences of NGOs working in GBV and health Brings together expertise in research, policy, communication for social change and health services Research used to inform component in all areas
PATH (Technical Secretariat) IPAS Puntos de Encuentro (Nicaragua) Armonie (Costa Rica) Central American Feminist Network of Women against Violence Instituto Promundo (Brazil) IPPF/WHR Family Violence Prevention Fund (USA) Founding members of InterCambios:
Strategic partners CLADEM Latin American Womens Health Network PAHO/WHO UNIFEM Ministries of Health
Our goal: To strengthen the capacity of the health sector (public and private) to address GBV: Documenting and disseminating best practices Developing regional approaches Encouraging research and evaluation
Tools for researchers and activists Based on experiences of researchers around the world, and WHO Multi-Country Study Used for training of providers, NGOs and public health researchers
In her shoes… A training tool for providers based on stories of abused women
Encouraging dialogue between womens groups and men against violence
Challenges for evidence-based advocacy More information on hidden forms of violence (femicide, trafficking) Development of indicators and methods for monitoring and evaluating interventions and public policy Enhancing comparability of data
Challenges… Costs of violence: greater investment in GBV Incorporating surveillance of violence and injuries into health sector information systems(PAHO, CDC)
Violence can and must be prevented!