Building a Comprehensive Assessment System The Role of Assessment in Supporting RTI Marilynn Bouclin Kristen Matthes Donna Morelle.


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Presentation transcript:

Building a Comprehensive Assessment System The Role of Assessment in Supporting RTI Marilynn Bouclin Kristen Matthes Donna Morelle

What does it take to meet the needs of 100% of the students 100% of the time? Use assessment to drive instruction Use data to make decisions Monitor student progress to inform instruction Use a problem solving approach to make decisions Intervene early Use a collaborative model of service delivery (shared responsibility) Use research-based instruction

A More Powerful Vision Read this quote. If assessments of learning provide evidence of achievement for public reporting, then assessments for learning serve to help students learn more. The crucial distinction is between assessment to determine the status of learning and assessment to promote greater learning. Stiggins (2002, Phi Delta Kappan) Do you agree or disagree ? Why?

Activity: Jigsaw the article Assessment Crisis: The Absence of Assessment FOR Learning by Richard J. Stiggins The purpose of this activity is to create a shared understanding among school team members of the difference between assessment for learning and assessment of learning.

Jigsaw Assignments Introduction: Everyone The Evolution of Our Vision of Excellence in Assessment: #1 The Flaw in the Vision: #2 A More Powerful Vision: #3 Are Teachers Ready? #4 Relevant Position Statements: #5 Balancing Assessments of and for Learning: #6 Anticipating the Benefits of Balance: #7 An Action Plan: #8

Assessment of Learning Outcome Measurement Provides data about what has been accomplished over a period of time Provides broader information about programs and student learning Screening Predicts which students are likely to experience difficulty Identifies students who are at-risk and in need of further diagnostic assessment RIDE PreK-12 Literacy Policy December 2005

Assessment for Learning Diagnostic Measurement Provides more precise and in-depth analysis of a students strengths and weaknesses Determines more specifically problematic areas for the student Progress Monitoring Informs the teacher about a students progress Determines if the student is making progress Provides timely measures to inform instruction RIDE PreK-12 Literacy Policy December 2005

What types of assessments does your school/district currently use? Activity: Make a chart to sort the assessments used by your school or district. Red for Screening Blue for Diagnostic Green for Progress Monitoring Black for Outcome What do you notice?

Response To Intervention The practice of providing high-quality instruction and interventions matched to student need, monitoring progress frequently to make decisions about instruction so that we meet the needs of 100% of the students 100% of the time.

What does a school do differently in a Response to Intervention (RTI) process that meets the needs of all learners all of the time? Adopt a problem-solving philosophy Implement an intervention system Train staff to frequently monitor progress Create a shared responsibility

Define Problem Implement Plan Develop a Plan Evaluate Plan Instruction Learner Curriculum Environment RTI: a problem-solving philosophy

RTI: an intervention system More systematic and explicit instruction Significant increase in the intensity of instruction Ample opportunities for guided practice of skills taught Systematic cueing of students to use the strategies and skills taught Appropriate levels of scaffolding as students learn new skills Joseph Torgesen

RTI: a way to monitor progress Grouping students for instruction based on student skill, monitoring their progress over small periods of time, adjusting instruction based on the data and providing kids feedback on their performance… one of the most powerful sets of educational practices that exists. Dan Reschly

RTI: An Expanding Circle of Support at the School Level School-Based Problem Solving Team EL Teacher Special Educators School Psychologists-Diagnosticians Special Education Family STUDENT Teacher & Principal Reading Specialist Counselor Other Professionals

Activity: Where are we as a school in applying a Response to Intervention process to meet the needs of all ? Directions 1.Complete RTI School Readiness survey individually. 2.Pair – Share. 3.Report out to the team.

Action Planning: What does our school need to do differently in a Response to Intervention (RTI) process to meet the needs of all learners all of the time?

Raising Student Achievement Through Assessment Summative assessment requires that teachers (or other assessors) become members of a community of practice, while formative assessment requires that the learners become members of the same community of practice. Dylan Wiliam