Guidelines for IDEA Implementation Developed and Presented through Collaborative Efforts RIDE – Office of Special Populations Rhode Island Technical Assistance Project
Topic #1: Early Intervening Services Adds early intervening services to the federal statute Allows LEAs to implement coordinated, early intervening services Permits the utilization of funds for early intervening services under IDEA Part B for any fiscal year
Topic #1: Early Intervening Services Early Intervening services shall not obstruct a childs access to a free appropriate public education (FAPE) Establishes coordination with the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965, as amended Requires an LEA to provide early intervening services in instances of significant disproportionality
Topic #2: Parental Consent Consent to Evaluate Provision of Initial Services Screening
Topic #3: Procedural Safeguards Notice Providing notice of procedural safeguards to parents New contents of procedural safeguards notice
Topic #4: Evaluation and Re-evaluation Initial Evaluation Re-evaluation Screening High School Students
Topic #5: Learning Disability Identification Specific Learning Disabilities State Policy Current Rhode Island Policy/Criteria
Topic #6: IEP Team IEP Team Composition IEP Team Attendance IEP Content IEP Agreements to Changes
Topic #7: Secondary Transition Transition Services Defined Secondary Transition Requirements Remain at Age 14 Transition Goals Must be Measurable Exception to re-evaluation Summary of Performance
Topic #8: National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standards (NIMAS) Instructional print materials prepared for electronic files. Rhode Island adopting standard and coordinating with NIMAC LEA opt-in LEA opt-out
Topic #9: Prohibition On Mandatory Medication Prohibition Permissible Activities
Topic #10: Discipline Manifestation determination – New Standard Additional authority for school personnel Alternative educational setting/infliction of serious bodily injury Expedited hearing timelines Extended provisions for students
Topic #11: Statewide and District Wide Assessments Includes reference to the assessment of childrens academic achievement and functional performance Adds a reference to No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Adds specific requirements for state guidelines regarding alternate assessments.
Topic #12: Parentally Placed Private School Students Consultation Signed Affirmation Disagreement Child Find, Private Schools Child Find, Public Schools Tracking Inter-district Communication Pre-Kindergarten Children
Topic #12: Parentally Placed Private School students Proportionate share of federal funds Supplement/Supplant Service Plans and IEPs Public control of federal resources IEPs Complementary to Service Plans Complaint Process
Topic #13: Mediation, Impartial Due Process Hearing, Resolution Session Due Process RequirementsThe things we do for love Like w alking in the rain & snowThose meetings When there is nowhere to goWhat should we do? Feeling like apart of you is dyingThis is difficult stuff You think they want to break upThis is heading to court And they say they want to make upthey want to meet to resolve mattersMediation? Resolution Session?
Topic #13: Mediation, Impartial Due Process Hearing, Resolution Session Mediation Opportunity to meet with a disinterested party Impartial Due process Hearing Resolution Session NEW
Topic #14: Alignment with the No Child Left Behind Act LEAs are required to ensure that all special education teachers and teacher assistants are Highly Qualified. LEAs are accountable for students with disabilities in reporting Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP).
Learning for All Learning for All Ashton School Benchmark School Project
WHAT IS THE BENCHMARK PROJECT…. Differentiated Instruction Differentiated Instruction Early intervening services and progress monitoring Early intervening services and progress monitoring Accelerated learning and progress monitoring Accelerated learning and progress monitoring Problem solving process to support all students Problem solving process to support all students
Reading and Enrichment Increased classroom resources Increased classroom resources Documentation of units Documentation of units Common planning time Common planning time
Co-teaching and Paraprofessionals Flexible Grouping Flexible Grouping Professional Development Professional Development Differentiated Instruction Differentiated Instruction
Changing Roles… 1.Occupational Therapist 2.Social Worker 3.Speech Pathologist 4.School Psychologist 5. Adapted Physical Education Teacher
Learning for All Scheduling Instructional Resources Professional Development Faculty/Staff Curriculum Materials