What is an Intervention? Rhode Island RTI Initiative Module Two 2007
R T I Goals of This Module 1. To develop an understanding of … the importance of a school-wide approach to interventions; why interventions are needed after examining student / school data. what an intervention is; and the difference between Standard Treatment Protocol and Problem Solving approach to intervention 2. To consider and discuss with colleagues what you already have in place for interventions in your school and district and what your next steps are in developing a school-wide model of instruction and interventions.
R T I What is an Intervention? Instruction that Supplements and Intensifies classroom curriculum / instruction to meet student needs -Academic or Behavioral -Standard Treatment Protocol / Problem Solving Model ALL interventions must have: -a plan for implementation (e.g. PLP, IEP, 504) -evidenced-based pedagogy -criteria for successful response -assessment to monitor progress
R T I Building a School-Wide Model Intervention System Picture retrieved from: sneakers.pair.com/ l/school.jpg, 3/2005 PRIMARY Core Curriculum SECONDARY Targeted Interventions TERTIARY Intensive Interventions
R T I 3 Tier Model
R T I NECAP Results
R T I If you teach the same curriculum, to all students, at the same time, at the same rate, using the same materials, with the same instructional methods, with the same expectations for performance and grade on a curve you have fertile ground for growing special education. Gary Germann, 2003
R T I First Floor – Primary Core Curriculum All students Comprehensive core curriculum Differentiated Instruction Flexible grouping Benchmark assessments 3 times a year on grade level Preventative and proactive 75-80% of students
R T I Secondary – Roof Targeted Interventions Targeted group and individual interventions Programs, strategies, procedures to enhance and support primary program Aligned with primary program High efficiency, short term Progress Monitoring assessments at least once a month – twice a month is recommended 10-15% of students
R T I The Chimney – Tertiary Intensive Interventions Different –Architecture –Scheduling –Delivery High intensity Longer Duration Specifically designed intensive intervention for individual students Frequent progress monitoring assessments 5-10% of students
R T I –Core –Targeted –Intensive Discussion of examples Intro to next section… What is an Intervention?
R T I Things to Think About When Planning More Intensive Intervention WHAT: Targeted need for support (DATA) WHAT: Instructional pedagogy (Evidence of effectiveness) Progress Monitoring Assessment HOW: Group size Number of sessions per week Length of sessions Number of weeks till review WHO: Interventionist (teacher, para, specialists) Big Question: How is this intensifying the instruction happening in the classroom?
R T I Define Problem Implement Intervention Develop a Plan Evaluate Intervention Instruction Learner Curriculum Environment
R T I What is Not an Intervention Guided reading group or use of leveled reading materials Small flexible groups for projects Scaffolded instruction Review and practice Differentiated instruction Guided writing and conferencing Word walls, editing check lists etc. Regular best teaching practices automatically used in response to an immediate need such as extended time, repeated directions
R T I Examples of Interventions Targeted instruction in writing strategies provided by classroom teacher while other students complete independent activity or work in centers (2-3x/wk for 30 mins.) Explicit instruction in rhyming for two 1 st graders provided during enrichment 3 times a week for 15 minutes by reading consultant Daily supplementary practice in math calculations provided by support personnel or by parent at home using Computer-Aided instruction.
R T I Intervention or Not? 1.A group of 6 students in Mrs. Joness 3 rd grade class is receiving guided reading using Level L materials 3x per week for 20 minutes with the classroom teacher. 2. A group of 4 students in Mr. Smiths 4th grade are working with the teacher 4 times a week for 15 minutes to increase math fact fluency. Immediate feedback is provided and motivational activities are used. Progress monitoring data was collected at the end of each session. 3. A student was not able to have his materials ready at the start of each period; thereby impacting the students overall academic performance in the classroom. The teacher charted how often this was an issue as compared to his peers. The teacher designed a file system for the boy and monitored his assignment completion each period for 3 weeks. Turn and Talk
R T I Two Approaches to Intervention in RTI Standard Protocol Problem Solving Combination
R T I You have got to be kidding! Superintendents Announcement at January Faculty Meeting I would like to implement a standard- protocol approach to instruction and interventions in the intermediate grades starting in the fall. Training in the literacy protocol will be provided for reading specialists, special educators and classroom teachers in two two-day sessions in the coming months. » Mr. Alba, Superintendent, Rhodeville, RI Ah! No! Finally! It is about time!
R T I Problem Solving Approach 1. Problem Identification 2. Problem Analysis 3. Plan Development 4. Plan Implementation 5. Plan Evaluation Revise Modify Intensify With Expanding Support
Problem SolvingStandard Treatment Universal Screening Class-wide assessment is administered. Struggling readers are identified. Tier 1 Frequent progress monitoring is done to assess struggling students performance levels and rates of performance. Tier 2 Team makes instructional decisions based on individual student performance. Struggling students are presented with a variety of interventions. Tier 3 Students whose progress is insufficient in Tier 2 may receive even more intensive instruction. Some may qualify for special education services based on the progress monitoring data. Class-wide assessment is administered. Struggling readers are identified. Frequent progress monitoring is done to assess struggling students performance levels and rates of performance. Struggling students are presented with one standard validated intervention. Everyone who didnt meet benchmark will be in the Tier 2 intervention group. Instructor differentiates as necessary. Students whose progress is insufficient in Tier 2 may receive even more intensive instruction that is individually designed to meet his/her needs. Some may qualify for special education services based on the progress monitoring data.
R T I Standard Treatment Protocol Individualized instruction in early literacy skills Road to the Code Guided Reading Phonological Awareness Letter Names and Sounds Individualized instruction in math problem-solving and/or math calculations Learning Strategies for Problem Solving; Computer Drill and Practice Math Facts Investigations Investigations Unit Test Math Calculation Probe Individualized Literacy Skill Read 180º Intervention Study Hall Maze 8 th NECAP Grades
R T I Activity What are the pros and cons of Problem Solving and Standard Protocol Approaches to Interventions? How do you respond to Superintendent Alba?
R T I RTI Models Protocol Model: School prescribes and isolates specific intervention + School team controls quality of intervention + All faculty trained + Intervention/ evaluation less confounded + Less team time - One size fits all - One shot intervention - Potential for limited buy in
R T I RTI Models Problem solving: Team evaluates curriculum, need and type of intervention + Relies on existing expertise + Provides increased flexibility + Uses existing school data + choice = Buy in - Increased complexity in training and implementation - More confounded… more susceptible to anecdotal/subjective analysis
R T I Comparison of RTI Approaches Major Similarities: The use of validated practices in the core classroom instruction The provision of instructional intervention to those who need it early Progress monitoring to inform decision-making Evidence-based interventions of a variety of intensities Reduced inappropriate referrals for special education services
R T I Four Organizing Principles 1.Earlier rather than later -- Prevention and early intervention are supremely more effective and efficient than later intervention and remediation for ensuring reading success. 2.Schools, not just programs -- Prevention and early intervention must be anchored to the school as the host environment and primary context for improving student outcome 3.Evidence, not opinion -- Prevention and early intervention pedagogy, programs, instruction and materials should be based on trustworthy scientific evidence. 4.Each and All-- To teach all children to read, we must teach each child to read. Kameenui, E.J., Simmons, D.C.
R T I Next Steps: Questions to think about 1.How are interventions currently determined in your school/district? Is this consistent with either approach? 2.In what areas of literacy/math/behavior do we have a variety of instruction/intervention available? 3.In what areas of literacy/math/behavior do we need to become more effective in meeting the variety of needs of students?
R T I Build your Library of Interventions