The Generalization of λ-fuzzy measures on Application to Options Pricing Liyan Han, Wenli Chen, Juan Zhou School of economics & management, Beihang University, Beijing , China The research is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, titled as “Research on the pricing methods of options based on the fuzzy measures” ( ).
Abstract The paper presents the definition of λ- fuzzy signed measure and its generalized transform function. And then we discuss the distribution properties of λ-fuzzy measures with the varying parameters in neutral probability distributions. Furthermore decision makers with different attitude towards risk can make their own expected values across the natural states in the future. Therefore this paper reveals non- identical rationality with a family of λ-fuzzy measures and deduces fuzzy price of the options. Key words λ-fuzzy measures; signed measures; non-identical rationality; fuzzy options.
Related definitions
Construction and distribution properties
Application to option pricing Theorem (Expression for fuzzy options pricing): The fuzzy value of the option can be expressed as
Conclusion 1. Nonadditive measures are suitable to represent information of an uncertain variable. Especially for -fuzzy measures, selecting the parameter appropriately, we can construct belief, plausibility or probability measures as we want. 2. In this paper, we propose the definition of the fuzzy signed measure and generalize its transform functions, and discuss fuzzy measure distribution properties. 3. With the changes in classical distribution parameters, the properties of -fuzzy measures distribution functions are similar to those of classical ones associated with intersections and monotonicities. When <0, -fuzzy measures can increase the classical probability by transform, which the behaviors can apply to overreaction for information by selecting the parameter appropriately. Hence we can show that -fuzzy measures are useful to explain the occurrences of impossible events in financial market.
Conclusion 4.This paper is an attempt to consider the heterogeneity in asset pricing. Combining a family of λ-fuzzy measures and the Choquet integral, we propose the concept of “fuzzy option” and construct its pricing models primarily. In this frame, the family of λ-fuzzy measures mathematically stands for agents’ different attitudes towards the same set of market information, and particularly with varying the unique parameter, the diversified individual rationality is expressed. Further the fuzzy value of the option is naturally calculated by taking the Choquet expectations, which covered the classical option value by well-known Black- Scholes model.
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