1 From Work First to Worker Mobility NYATEP Fall Conference October 29, 2008
2 Agenda Introduction Career Advancement Models EarnMore Program Model EarnMore In Detail EarnMore Lessons Looking Ahead
3 Introduction Seedco is a national nonprofit organization that helps low-income people and communities move toward economic prosperity.
4 Career Advancement Models Small-scale grant supported advancement programs emerged in reaction to work first policies. Examples include Capital Idea, 1199c Training Fund, and Wisconsin Regional Training Partnership. The models are generally sector-focused and offer alternative and enhanced services: 1.Industry Engagement 2.Sector Focused Training 3.Screening and Preparation 4.Case Management 5.Job Placement
5 Career Advancement Model Limitations Alternative services High per capita costs Financial imperative to serve the most job ready Sector focus Model applicable to narrow range of industries Impossible to accurately predict industry changes Scale Programs reach narrow range of workers Little evidence that models are effecting systemic change
6 EarnMore Program Model Client-centered approach that leverages the services and tools of the major federal employment services funding streams. Key Features Client re-engagement, enrollment of a broad range of workers Client-centered and customized service options Intensive advancement coaching model Employer partnerships Training Cohorts
7 EarnMore Program Model
8 EarnMore In Detail: Enrollment Wide range of participants enrolled 58% female ; 41% male 44% have dependent children Average age is 36 16% of participants lack HSD or GED 49% have some post-secondary education Average initial wage at in-take: $9.40 Average 18 months continuously worked prior to enrollment
9 EarnMore In Detail: Coaching Intensive coaching model Dedicated Career Advancement Coach Assessment of Participants Career Interests and Current Job Skills Personalized Career Planning Monthly Coaching and/or Follow up Contacts Once upgraded is achieved, continued contact to support job retention and further advancement for up to 1 year post enrollment.
10 EarnMore In Detail: Employer Partnerships Strategic employer engagement Work with employers who have interest in their developing incumbent workforce. Help employers understand current staffing and training needs. Collaborate with the employer to design customized training and/or career advancement support services. Coordinates training programs and services delivery. Work with the employer to evaluate the success of program and identify additional opportunities for assistance.
11 EarnMore In Detail: Training Leveraging and customizing existing services Five training cohorts to date Hospitality Front of the House Training Employer based CDL training Project Monitor Training Associates Degree Support Certified Nurse Assistant Training BMCC learning community
12 Year 1 Key Outcomes Enrollment 528 Career Plans 372 Enrolled in Training 140 Unique Individuals Achieving an Outcome 213 Job Upgrades Achieved 189 New Benefits/Work Support Enrollments 55
13 Upgrade Analysis Upgrade Type% Same employer63% New employer37% Wage Gain86% Additional Hours45% Wage Gain + Additional Hours32% Movement to employer sponsored benefits47% 209 UpgradesMedianAverage Hourly Wage at Intake$7.15$9.35 Hourly Wage at Upgrade$10.50$11.43 Weekly Employment Earnings at Intake $250$295 Weekly Employment Earnings at Upgrade $420$411 % Increase in Weekly Employment Earnings 68%39%
14 Success Story: Bryant Scott Prior to joining EarnMore, Bryant Scott worked as a vehicle cleaning supervisor for a major delivery service, where he earned $8.80/hr. After joining the EarnMore program, Bryant began working with WF1CC Career Coach to develop a career plan. During a coaching session, the coach suggested he attend a payraise negotiation workshop to learn the tools needed to ask for a raise. Bryant attended and decided to speak with his supervisor. Armed with the necessary tools from the workshop and his coaching sessions, Bryant was able to negotiate a 25% raise. He now makes $10/hr.
15 Success Story: Roslyn Oliver At the time of her enrollment in EarnMore, Roslyn Oliver worked as a front desk receptionist making only $10/hr. While she enjoyed her work, she was having a hard time making ends meet. While working one-on-one with the GMHC Career Coach, Roslyn learned helpful techniques about how to request a payraise and promotion. She also learned that asking for a raise was a normal part of the employee/employer relationship. Roslyn decided to set-up a meeting with her supervisor to discuss her advancement. After that meeting, Roslyn was promoted to office supervisor and now makes $12/hr.
16 EarnMore Lessons Leveraging Existing Services Lower-cost and more sustainable funding model, but requires investment in coaching. Significant gaps remain in existing infrastructure of services. Need for basic employment services Need for worker-friendly services Client-Focused Pathway Can reach a broader range of participants, including those with lower skills and those interested in non-traditional careers. Participation still difficult for workers with barriers, especially those with dependents.
17 Policy Recommendations Establish interim indicators and milestones. Build advancement incentives into workforce policies and programs. 1.Advancement should be part of all workforce programming. 2.Adult education and community college systems should make training and education worker-friendly and relevant to employers. 3.Workers should be offered strengthened incentives to move up in the labor market. 4.Employers should be encouraged to partner with workforce programs. Leverage and expand the resources available.
18 Nakisha Evans Program Associate/EarnMore Coordinator (917) Emma Oppenheim Policy and Research Associate (646)