Mathematics Workshop Visual Maths Ms Kathleen Lee & Mr. Tay Lee Yong 24 April 2004
Objectives Teachers are able to use ICT (Information & Communication Technology) tools to enhance the teaching and learning of Mathematics; Teachers are able to transfer the learning to their classroom teaching; & Teachers are able to replace bulky teaching aids / materials with ICT tools for the teaching and consolidation of concepts.
Programme 9.00 a.m. Introduction & Overview 9.15 a.m.ICT tools – visualization of Math Concepts 10.30a.m.Break 10.50a.m.Applications 11.30a.m.Sharing 11.50a.m.Question & Answer
Rationale 30% integration of ICT into the curriculum, as according to the IT MasterPlan Innovation and creativity Better impact & capture attention More effective consolidation of concepts
Mensuration - Area & Perimeter A picture was pasted on a piece of rectangular cardboard measuring 14 cm by 8 cm, leaving a border of 1-cm all around it. What is the area of the border ?
Mensuration - Area & Perimeter 14 cm 8 cm 1 cm Find the area of the border. Where is the border ?
Mensuration - Area & Perimeter Can shapes of the same area have different perimeter ? The following are figures made up of 1-cm squares. Area = 8 sq cm. Perimeter = 10 cm Area = 8 sq cm Perimeter = 18 cm
Mensuration - Area & Perimeter Area = 7 cm 2 Perimeter = 14 cm 10 cm 8 cm
Mensuration - Area & Perimeter
What is the area of the shaded figure in the 1-cm sq grid ?
Mensuration - Area & Perimeter What is the area of the triangle in the 1-cm grid ?
Mensuration - Area & Perimeter
Circle Find the area of the unshaded part.
Circle Find the area of the shaded part.
Circle Find the area of the shaded part.
Circle 200ml 1 litre
Geometry – Tessellation
Can this shape tessellate ?
Geometry – Tessellation
Geometry – 2D / 3D
Angles – rotation
8-point compass North South EastWest
Fractions – equivalent fractions
Fractions, Ratio, Percentage What fraction of the animals are frogs ? What percentage of the animals are frogs ? What is the ratio of the no. of frogs to the no. of birds ?
Fractions, Ratio, Percentage Ask related questions for the pictures above.
Fractions, Ratio, Percentage John spent $200 on food and 20% of the remainder on books. He saved half of the remaining money and donated the rest to charity. What was the amount of money he had if he donated $400 to charity ? $200 books 400
ICT tools for teaching & learning Microsoft Drawing Toolbar Draw - Group/Ungroup; Order; Snap; Rotate or Flip AutoShapes - Lines & Basic Shapes Other Tools – Rectangle, Oval, 3D & etc. Ctrl, Alt, & Shift Keys Special emphasis on the Ctrl Key for duplicating objects Mouse skills
Questions and Answers Thank you for your time. Have a good weekend.